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Now that this book has officially ended, I wanted to tell you guys some ideas that I was going to do, but ended up getting scrapped, and some behind tbe scenes, so let's begin!

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𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙚...

𝙨: Y/N and Scaramouche were supposed to have a cat and dog, not two dogs in chap 26.

𝙨: Childe was supposed to die from su**cide in chap 24. Sorry— I ended up keeping him because why not.

𝙨: I see some of you were confused about the "if I can't have you is love completely off of the table" quote, it basically means that if Y/N didn't want Scara, then would he have to stop trying for love and wait? or completely give up.

𝙨: Some of these chap. are short because I got lazy.

𝙨: I was considering a threesome..I leave you to imagine within whom...even though it's obvious lol.

𝙨: To those who didn't read this story before I rewrote it, yes, this wasn't the original idea, but I ended up throwing away the original idea because I felt as if I weren't portraying the characters right. It was supposed to be a modern story.

𝙨: The guy in chap 2 was just some random hobo. Nobody special.

𝙨: The fight scene between Childe and Scara in chap 15, I literally rewrote it so many times. Originally, Scara fought back, like an actual fight and ended up slipping down the hill lmao

𝙨: Lumine wasn't going to be apart of the story, but I figured why not.

𝙨: For some reason this is trending underneath the "#Amber" and "#Venti" tag, but none of those characters are in the story...! That's because they were before I changed the story and I felt too lazy to change them.

𝙨: The book is called obvious because originally, it was going to be about two college students obviously in love but I changed the plot and didn't feel like changing the name, just in case someone wanted to find the story again.

𝙨: Most importantly, Scaramouche was supposed to end up being killed by ei, but I chose not to do that ending, felt too brutal to kill off my husband T_T.

Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed the extras!

until we officially meet again, (which would be soon since I literally cannot stop writing.)

I luv u


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