- ➴ Ch 1 : I'm better

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⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚

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⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚. ﹏﹏﹏

Competition .

Competition is all we ever talk about, it's all we ever do. It's all just a big hoax, the thought that things get better with competition. The truth is, nothing gets better from competition. You get damaged, hurt, and you cause pain, so what is it about competition that we crave so much about?

Was it the feeling of winning? The feeling of victory? Why did we have to do the things we did? Why couldn't we just get along?

After Joining the Fatui all that ever happened was competition, and honestly it got tiring. It gets tiring having to constantly prove yourself to others, to show that you were better. But the truth is, I wasn't better. I joined the Fatui for the same reason as everyone else, to have order in this world. I didn't care about having to spar with others or prove your rank, your numbers were enough.

I didn't want to fight though, I wanted peace. It sounds crazy coming from a Fatui Harbinger, since they were mainly known to be Evil, but I just wanted things to be less conflicting and harmful. I joined to avenge my father, but joined to have peace as well. I didn't want to kill innocent people or have to kill my own members to show that I was enough.

But, there's always that one person that makes you think otherwise.

Scaramouche was not very liked among the others, which saddened me because in my eyes, he was enough. I liked competing against him, often if I won against our little competitions he would praise me with a huge smug grin, patting my head in the process like a dad congratulating their kid, and I loved that. I loved going against someone with the same potential as me, he helped me realize things before that I didn't know that I had.

I often would feel as if I were better than him, often feeling as if I should be a rank above him. Often though, he would humble me and remind me that our ranks were that way for a reason, but I didn't care. I loved to go against him, to feel powerful and strong.

Scaramouche wasn't a bad person in my eyes, he just seemed misunderstood. Many people don't like him because of his rude and angry demeanor, and they always felt as if he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He always snapped at people and constantly kept his face as a blank displeased look, only smiling when things involved pain or suffering.

It excited me a bit, to see the way he acted. His actions didn't scare me, yet they entertained me. He always did his best to keep up his 'tough guy' act, but I could see right through him like he was made of glass.

I knew who he really was.


"Scaramouche." I called out as I entered his throne room. (Yes he was that extra.)

I could see him sitting in his throne, his legs crossed elegantly as if he were waiting for someone. His hat tilted to the side of his head as he rested his chin in his hand, the other hand resting on the other armrest.

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