Benny imagine

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Being yeah yeah's older sister wasn't that easy.My literally brother yeah yeah,he's a great kid but boy was he a handful. I'm 2 years older than him which would make me 14. I know all of my brothers friends since they come over to our house when my parents aren't t there.

Yeah yeah has a friend who goes by Benny,Benny Rodriguez,now let me tell you Benny is,well Benny is Benny. He's gorgeous. I've known him for about 5 years,when I moved into the school he's at. We have all our classes together so I like to say we are good friends

Except I don't wanna be just friends,I mean cmon Benny is beautiful. He has nice hair,good body,the best eyes,and everything else is just as great.

I was reading when I heard the front door open.I'm on the second floor so I went where the stairs were and looked at who was downstairs. I wasn't scared since I have a lot of kids in my neighborhood and sometimes some of them will come in,grab some snacks,then leave.

"Hello?" I said while walking downstairs. "It's just me y/n" "oh ok" I said still walking down the stairs to talk to my brother. "What time did you leave this morning?" I said walking to my brother. "8:30" he said while taking a bite out of his toast. "Hey y/n" I heard from a voice behind I turned around to be met with the one the only Benny Rodriguez.

"Hey Rodriguez,why are you guys here it's 9 o'clock?" "The boys couldn't play, Timmy and Tommy are grounded for the tree house incident,ham has a headache,denunez has a family reunion,Bertram is high,smalls feels sick,and squints is out of town" yeah yeah said rolling his eyes.

"So you guys are hanging here for the day?" "I think I might take Lori out or something" yeah yeah said while eating more toast. Lori was his blonde bimbo of a girlfriend,she was pretty but very well stupid,but she was nice so it didn't bother me.

We watched a few movies then yeah yeah called Lori then said, "ok I'm going to get Lori we are getting ice cream at the parlor" "ok sounds good love you" I yelled when he walked out the door.

"So it's just me and you now," Benny said looking at me, "what do you wanna do?" I thought for a second. "We should go spy on yeh yeah and Lori" I said. "Sounds good except they know us" "we can change outfits,I think I have a flannel you could wear,do you have another shirt?" "Yeah it's an undershirt" "ok cmon we'll go change" I said grabbing his hand and walking upstairs. I opened my door to my room, "I've never seen your room"Benny said looking at everything "I haven't seen your either" I said laughing. "Here,I'm gonna change in my bathroom." I said handing him the flannel and grabbing a sun dress.

The sun dress:

I walked out of the bathroom to see Benny looking through my magazines

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I walked out of the bathroom to see Benny looking through my magazines. "What do you think? I haven't wore this dress in ages,I forgot how much I loved it" I said twirling. "You look beauti- great,you look great" he was wearing my black and red flannel with his white wife beater and baggy jeans. "You look good too now cmon" I said grabbing my bag and walking out of my room down the stairs.

"You don't think he'll recognize us?" I said looking at Benny. "No,he'll be too focused on Lori" "that's true" I said nodding, "I know" Benny said grabbing my hand. I immediately blushed and turned away my hand still in his. "Look there they are!" I said pointing to a table with my brother and Lori sitting at the park.

"Cmon let's get ice cream we can spy on them after" Benny said dragging me into the parlor. "Hello darlings what could I get you?" The lady asked nicely. "Can I please have one scoop of the strawberry" "and could I get a scoop of chocolate" "of course that would be 4.87" "here" I said handing her a five dollar bill. When she gave me back my change I put it in the tip jar and we started for the park.

"I was gonna pay, you didn't have to" Benny said eating his ice cream while we were walking. "It's fine,it wasn't that much" "yeah but the man is supposed to pay,not the lady" "well this lady did pay,wanna bite?" I said with a spoonful of ice cream. He nodded and took the bite. "Oh that's amazing," he said his eyes wide, "want some of mine?" "I'm ok,I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate"

We sat down just so we could see them. "I'm paying next time" Benny said out of no where. "Huh?" "Did I stutter,I'm paying next time" he said laying down on the grass. "Next time?" "Yeah" "who said there was gonna be a next time?" I said laying next to him"Me"

We completely forgot about spying on my brother.

And little did I know I would stay with him the rest of my life

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