Something isn't... right.

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(Unrelated to this story but I feel it'll be fun to mention, but I do have an idea for a second RWBY story after this one that actually involves some romance for once :p I'm thinking Blake but that's for another time and this can be a gender neutral reader insert so that all readers can get involved.)

2nd Person POV

There were only five minutes into the initiation when (Name) jumped the gun and started prematurely. Nevertheless, his impressive speed caught the attention of Professor Ozpin, who was constantly looking for promising young talents to defend the relics. Ozpin couldn't help but silently praise the boy's speed, and decided to pardon him with only light disciplinary action.

However, (Name)'s speed was not just impressive. In fact, he managed to break all the records ever held by previous initiates during the Emerald Forest initiation.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Weiss had already partnered up, as well as Nora and Lie Ren. However, tensions between the two young women had been slowly escalating since their first encounter. Their differences in personality and upbringing have led to several arguments, and it seemed that they would have a hard time working together as partners.

Weiss walks back and forth in frustration, trying to use her deductive reasoning skills to find their way, but with no success. "It's definitely this way," she mutters, stopping and then starting to walk in the opposite direction. "No, wait...this way! It's definitely this way," she corrects herself before stopping abruptly in front of Ruby. "Okay, fine. We passed it."

Ruby stands up, her annoyance with Weiss apparent. "Weiss, why can't you just admit that we're lost?"

"I'm not lost! I know exactly where we're going, Ruby. We're going to the forest temple!" Weiss insists, but Ruby can only shake her head in frustration, which only causes Weiss to snap back. "Stop it! You don't know where we are either!"

"At least I'm not pretending to know everything," Ruby retorts.

Weiss tilts her head with a hint of sarcasm. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're a big, stupid jerk and I hate you!"

Weiss spins around, sighing to herself and walking in a different direction as she tries to find their way. "Just keep moving!" she mutters to herself in frustration.

Ruby imitates Weiss's voice in a mocking tone. "Oh, just keep moving! Hurry up! Waaaah! Watch where you're going!" Ruby then switches back to her normal voice. "Why are you always so bossy?"

"I'm not bossy!" Weiss retorts, turning to face Ruby. "Don't say things like that."

"Stop treating me like a kid!" Ruby protests.

"Stop acting like a kid!" Weiss shoots back.

Ruby folds her arms, frustration etched on her face. "Well, stop acting like you're perfect!"

Weiss reaches her breaking point. "I'm not perfect! Not yet... But I'm still leagues better than you," she says before walking away from Ruby.

"You don't even know me," Ruby mutters to herself, feeling dejected.

While Ruby and Weiss continue to struggle to communicate, Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna form a partnership that seems to be working well. Unlike the tension-filled dynamic between Ruby and Weiss, Yang and Blake's partnership is balanced and harmonious.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha is on the lookout for a partner and eventually meets Jaune, forming a partnership with him. Ren and Nora also partner up, as expected.

However, the status quo is about to be disrupted.

Your POV, just a few minutes ago.

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