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Austin's POV

"Babe you ready yet? I needed to be at the arena close to a half hour ago" I said, grabbing another cigarette from the pack as I placed it delicately between my lips. I knew that I was going to get shit for showing up late, especially today with the meet and greet and because me being there hours before my set time was just expected of me. Partying before the show was part of the job and well if I was late for work Dre wasn't the happiest of people to deal with.

"I'm going as fast as I fucking can" Lindsay said in an annoyed exclamation from the large walk in bathroom of our suite, she had insisted we get a hotel wherever we go, the bus wasn't really her style. I shook my head at her annoying insistence at looking like I was taking her out to yet another five star restaurant instead of just hanging out backstage at the show. I had grown out of the dress to impress stage after she and I said I do six months ago on the shores of Mykonos—apparently she couldn't have her wedding at any other location so I dropped a cool million to make her dream come true—but she apparently did not. I think the reasoning went passed looking good for me and was starting to head down the road of showing off what she was able to afford because of me no matter how much she swears it wasn't.

I brought the cigarette between my lips quickly deciding that this wasn't a fight I wanted to fight today—they always ended the same way anyway—giving the lighter a few flicks before it flickered to life as I stuck the tip in the flame inhaling heavily before letting the smoke billow out of my mouth as I looked at the no smoking sign hung on the wall. I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head just as I was taking another drag. Ever since the first fine I had to pay when I first started touring, I just told them to put the fees in the price it was easier that way instead of having to handle it after the fact.

I walked over towards the private balcony, opening up the large french doors as I stepped onto the narrow piece of concrete that was just big enough to fit a table and some chairs. I slouched down in one, my hand bringing my cigarette back towards my lips as I took another drag, my mind heavily focused on my marriage to Linds as I started to shake my head. Ever since we tied the knot things between us had gotten a little out of hand, and it was more than just fighting. I still didn't quite feel like I was married, I still had a wandering eye for hot girls at a concert and once or twice came close to hooking up with one or two of them. I had thought once we were married that things would change, that we would miraculously get along and that I would be completely devoted to her, especially since she was very easy on the eyes. But, none of that happened.

If anything I felt like I was growing further and further apart from her, her interests being shopping and hanging out with the Hollywood elite whenever she got the chance too—even if that meant flying there from Utah to do so—and making sure the fans I had that followed her on instagram knew what she—and by default me which I hated more than anything—were up to on a daily basis. At first she was respectful of my privacy and liked keeping our relationship a mystery, but the more involved we got and the longer we were together the more public she became with us despite my constant requests to keep us private.

It seemed like the more people liked her and the more people drew attention to the fact that she was my wife the more into herself she became and our relationship started to become more about her then about her and I. It wasn't always like this, she was this shy girl when I met her, no one famous and she wasn't a huge fan of me which was what attracted me to her the most. She treated me like I was a normal guy and that drew me to her like a moth to a flame. She loved me and I mean she really fucking loved me, she didn't care about my money and all the fame, actually it kind of made her nervous and the thought that someone would be okay with keeping us secret to stay out of the media was like a breath of fresh air.

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