Ch 35

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Engagement venue

Tae tightened the security outside the venue,he knows that even If G is calm and silent he could still plan something harmful for both jungkook and Taehyung.Taehyung went towards jungkook's room and knocked.

The door was opened by jungkook,he was looking ethereal tae was awestruck by jungkook's beauty.On the other hand jungkook could see tae checking him out so he cleared his throat.

Jungkook : you pervert come back to the world and give me something to eat i am hungry.

Tae looked jungkook in eyes

Tae : you are looking drop dead gorgeous i didn't know a sexy and soo beautiful person was under that police uniform.

Jungkook hit tae playfully blushing

Jungkook : shut up tae give me food.

Tae chuckled

Tae : okay love come here i brought many things for you.

He entered the room and settled on sofa jungkook followed.

Tae : engagement party will go on for long thats why i brought food for you.

He said unpacking everything.He filled table with loads of chocolate and banana milk.Jungkook's eyes brighten up.

Jungkook : thanks

He said without looking away from chocolates and started eating.

Tae watched jungkook eating and cleared his throat.

Tae : the lawyer came to me today,ha have created a strong case against G,sehun and kai.

Hearing this jungkook stopped eating.

Jungkook : what is your problem tae i agreed for this marriage so that i can keep my job and it also includes,you not doing anything that is related to my job

He said pointing at tae.

Tae : well the case will be filed whether you like it or not I don't care,be grateful i am not killing them right away for what they had done.

He stood up and started walking towards the door.

Jungkook also stood up

Jungkook : what about me??!!! Why i had to suffer the torture!! They will torture me at my job.

Tae stopped but didn't turned towards jungkook.

Taehyung : they will not dare to say anything to mister kim jungkook my husband,they know very well i could destroy them....and about you? You are not suffering anything near what you made me feel by trying to commit sucide.....and you will pay for that.

He said coldly and left leaving shocked jungkook.

Jungkook : what the hell will happen in future

He whispered

Jin soon entered the room.

Jin : you are looking beautiful jungkook

He said genuinely

Jungkook : thanks jin

He said smiling back

Jin : lets go its time

As soon as these words left his mouth jungkook felt something churning inside him,he loves taehyung and Taehyung loves him too but this wedding is nowhere near a love marriage,he will be bounded forever with tae.All the bad thoughts were lingering inside his head while he was walking with jin to the main hall.

He entered the hall, almost everyone gasped to see professional rude police officer was looking ethereal and delicate.Jungkook was feeling awkward because everyone were looking at him.

His eyes caught G who was looking at Jungkook with an unreadable expression.Jungkook was confused that why G was here.Jin nudged jungkook to walk.

Jin : go jungkook,tae is waiting for you

Jungkook nodded,after taking a deep breath he started walking towards tae.As he reached tae,he immediately engulfed him in a hug.

Tae : you took too long baby

He said in low tone,jungkook cleared his throat

Jungkook : i was not feeling well

Tae nodded and broke the hug.

Host : hello guys today we all are gathered here for the engagement of CEO of biggest company in korea Kim taehyung with the police officer jeon Jungkook.

Some people gasped at the information because why would a rich man will marry a mere middle class officer.

Host : lets start the ceremony.

Ring were brought,jungkook knew some people were giving him strange look.He was not feeling well about that,as if they were insulting him for being a middle class and an officer of low grade.If his parents were alive then he wouldn't have to face these kind of faces, after all his father was a business man also.He came out of his thoughts when tae called him.

Tae : don't worry baby from this day onwards no one will see you like a middle class person who doesn't belong next to me....

Jungkook was shocked that how tae came to know what he is thinking.

Tae : tears...i could see your tears my love.Don't cry

He said in hushed tone so that no one could listen except jungkook.

Tae took jungkook's hand and put the ring on his ring finger.Jungkook silently did the same.As soon as they were done exchanging rings everyone clapped and cheered.Well except for G who wad looking at the couple with hate.......

Tae held jungkook was his waist and stood straight so that the people could come and congratulate them.

See you in next chapter more drama is coming

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