Ch 18

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Jungkook's pov

After a long night of tossing around and not able to sleep,i got up at 6 AM and freshen up for morning walk.I changed in to sweats and came down to see Jin hyung was still sleeping in his room.I went out and put on my headphones.

My mind is not at all focusing on anything,i lost my friend,my best friend.I lost my love.I know its my fault but i am not wrong totally?am i?i keep on questioning myself during walk.Well i tried my best to be a good officer and sincere to my duty,also i tried my best to maintain my friendship but i failed i guess.

That mina keep on saying shit about me in front of my so called best friend and he couldn't even defend me?? I always defended him in front of everyone.I can only wish for peace in my life because the trap in which i am trapped have dead end.

Soon after 30 minutes of walking i reached home.I saw tae's car was parked there.May be he sent the car to pick up jin hyung.I shrugged and went in.Jin hyung was standing at door way without any of his belongings.

Jungkook frowned

Jungkook : hyung the car is here to take you why didn't you pack anything?

Jin nervously looked down

Jin : umm i will be going but don't you think you should go and freshen up till then i will make last meal here?

Jungkook smiled slightly

Jungkook : okay hyung,thanks

Saying this he went to his room,as soon as he opened the door he was met by tae with his dairy in his hands.Jungkooks mouth was ajar open to see his dairy in tae's hand.He confessed his love for tae in that dairy so many times.

His face heated up due to embarrassment,he composed himself and snatched diary From tae's hand.Tae came back to senses when he heard jungkook's voice.Jungkook glared at him.

Jungkook : what the hell you are doing here???and who told you to touch my dairy ?

Tae was looking blankly towards jungkook with unreadable expression.

Tae : you were in love with me from last 2 years but still you never confessed

He asked coldly, jungkook was a little intimidated by that but he keep on reminding himself that he is a police officer no one can intimidate him.

Jungkook : thats none of your concern now mister kim,i would appreciate it if you don't interfere in my personal life

He said with out breaking the eye contact.But tae had other plans.He started coming towards jungkook.And jungkook keep on reminding himself that he is a police officer he is not afraid of anything.He keep on standing in his spot.Soon tae reached near him.

Tae : i kept on confessing and loving you and you suppressed your felling? FOR WHAT????

he shouted the last part, jungkook flinched.Soon they heard commotion outside the room

Jin : are you guys okay? Can i come in? You can fight in front of me.

Jungkook was frowning at jin's statement,why was he so afraid of tae.What could tae do.

Tae : NO! we will talk alone Jin you should go downstairs.

Tae came towards the door and locked it.He knew Jin will barge in because he knew about tae's anger,thats why he locked the door with a bang.Jungkook flinched at the sound.Jin on the other hand panicked.But he couldn't argue to his boss.So he went downstairs sadly.

Jungkook : tae i am late for work!

He said sternly

Tae : why did you broke our friendship? And then the very next moment you made 2 friends and started goofing around with them.

Hearing this jungkook swirled around furiously and glared at tae

Jungkook : how many times i have to tell you not to send your guards after me???!!!

Tae ignored the question and came forward

Tae : answer my question jungkook

Jungkook : i will not!!! I am not your friend anymore and about my new friends,yes they are very good and i enjoyed with them.Just like you do with mina!!!

He shouted

Tae was hurt hearing this

Tae : you replaced me so fast?

Jungkook scoffed

Jungkook : first of all i didn't replace you secondly you replaced me first,if you think i replaced you

Tae : jungkook-

He was cut off by jungkook

Jungkook : leave right now i have nothing to talk about now,i will deal with my problems on my own,thank you for the support for last 3 years

Tae looked at him in unreadable expression

Tae : fine do whatever you want but remember one thing,now i know you love me as much as i love you and whenever i will feel like you are not coping with that shitty job of yours i will take you away from that job whether you like it or not because friendship is finished from your side not my side!!

He said sternly, jungkook eyes widened but as usual he again ignored his ex best friend's strange sayings.

Jungkook : well whatever,i am not weak, I don't need a shoulder to lean on.You can leave now i have a job to be at

Tae : ok...

He was about to leave when jungkook said

Jungkook : and don't spy on me otherwise i will report you

Tae's blood boiled hearing this,he started walking downstairs while jungkook was watching him leave standing at his door.Tae turned around

Tae : about spying ? I will think about that,i am not promising to stop.Stop me if you can

Saying this be went out,jin hurriedly followed him out as well.kai came out of his room with sleepy eyes.

Kai : that jin is gone now,come downstairs and make breakfast i am hungry

Jungkook didn't replied he just nodded .

He came back in his room and as soon as he closed the door,he broke down.He slid against the door and sat on ground leaning to it.He started crying while gripping his hair.This separation is also effecting him too much.They use to meet daily,tae was the only person that gave him love, importance priority and care.But now all that was gone.Hs cried for more 15 min but eventually he had to get up because kai was asking for breakfast.

He cleaned his face and went down to make breakfast.After eating a little bit he changed his clothes and went out with kai.

See you in next ch

New bad guy is coming...

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