Ch 24

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In the middle of nowhere

Tae was now sitting in back seat of his car.He didn't know what chaos will occur after few hours.Jin was sitting beside him while namjoon was driving the car.Tae got a call.

Tae : yes?

? : Sir can i take leave today??

Tae frowned

Tae : why? Anything urgent?

? : Yes sir my boyfriend is very ill he is home alone,i will be back by tomorrow i promise

Tae rubbed his temple in irritation

Tae : but what about-

He was cut if by jin

Jin : its okay its just the matter of one day let him leave

Namjoon : yeah don't worry we have camera's everywhere

Tae sighed

Tae : ok check the cameras and then you can go but be back in one day

? : Thankss

Tae hung up they are now on there way.

Soon they reached Daegu started doing the work they were there for.After 2 hours tae went to graveyard with flowers.He sat there for 15 minutes.Jin and namjoon stood beside him.After that they start there journey back to Seoul.His biggest mistake was that he forgot to check cameras.

Jungkook was held on table by IM,who had a dirty smirk on his face.

IM : such a pretty little thing you are

Jungkook : SHUT UP! LET ME GOO

He was struggling to get out of IM's grip.

IM pulled jungkook up and make him sit on chair.He put a knife on jungkook's neck to hold him in place.Then he strapped jungkook's hands on chair's armrest.

IM : done! Now lets have some fun

IM removed his tie and put it on jungkook's mouth.
He called someone and put his phone on speaker.

G : hello

Jungkook eyes widened in shock

IM : hello how are you doing?

G laughed

G : i am fine buddy how are you?

IM : i am also doing good,i called you to inform you about an important matter.

G : what matter?

IM touched jungkook's cheek and then his jaw, jungkook tried to turn his head but IM held his jaw tightly.Jungkook hissed in pain.

IM : you know mister kim taehyung  my cousin?

G : yes what about him?

IM : his lover came to my office today,i found him stealing my important files

G : ooh why? Mister kim's company is doing well why would he do that?

IM : i am not at all doubting him,well his lover may be wanted to impress him by stealing my important files and giving information to him.So that his so called lover can get a place in his heart, although tae would never betray me.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock,what the hell IM is saying.Thats all jungkook was thinking right now.

G : ooh now what?

IM : you know slut like these want attention that's why they do such things,i was thinking of handing him over to you,you should teach him a lesson

G : oo why not i am coming to arrest him as soon as possible

IM : thank you buddy,i am waiting.

Jungkook's pov

What the hell is happening here, why sehun is not coming to help me?why didn't he informed me that IM went out of meeting room?why G and IM were talking so causally?slut? Me?IM is tae's cousin? Why would i steal files i was just doing my mission,why G didn't tell him?

All these things were in his mind,tears were in his eyes but he blinked them away.He is an officer,he is not a baby.He will face everything and try to tell everyone what is true.

Soon G reached there with few police man.They cuffed jungkook.Jungkook saw how casually IM and G were talking and laughing.He clenched his hands.

When he was being dragged by police.He stopped near IM and G and glared G

Jungkook : you sent me on a mission to collect the files and now you are blaming me?

He said furiously,G laughed nervously in front of IM who was frowning

G : shut up whore like you use there uniform to do bad things,you shall get punished,take him!!!

He said loud and clear

Jungkook : you will face the consequences of injustice one day sir

He said with a blank face

He was dragged out of the building.G after greeting IM went back to station.Jungkook was coughed and now was sitting on floor.He was feeling dizzy.He wanted to cry so bad.He didn't even do anything and now he is here like a prisoner.

Soon G came with 2 other men,followed by kai and sehun.

G saw hickey on jungkook's neck his blood boiled seeing that.

G : how dare you open your mouth in front of IM

Jungkook looked up towards G with so much anger

Jungkook : i was telling the truth!!!

G : oo really? I think you are secretly working for mister kim,thats why we never got to arrest him.And now you were caught stealing files.

Jungkook : i was not stealing i was only doing the mission you gave me!

He was kicked in stomach by furious G.He hissed but didn't say anything.

Kai : sir he didn't came home last night,i am sorry to say jungkook but you are suspected for all this mess

Jungkook was now looking at kai with so much hurt in his eyes.

Sehun : yes sir he didn't let me take the lead,he went to Mr IM's office alone.I think he wanted to steal files.

Jungkook felt a pang in his heart,now he realised one thing.It was all planned beforehand.


He was punched by kai.

Kai : shut up!

Jungkook : I HATE YOU!

Kai : you should've died with your parents

Jungkook's blood boiled hearing this

Jungkook: shut up you piece of shit don't talk about my parents from your filthy mouth!

G made tsk sound

G : beat him,until he can no longer stand up! Thats his punishment

He left saying this.Jungkook was kicked in stomach again and again.He was sure his waist would be bruised badly.Kai his own cousin punched him in face,his nose and mouth were now bleeding.His head was bleeding because fell on the ground hard when he was punched.Every part of his body was bruised by now.They kept on hitting him for 30 minutes.He didn't shed a single tear.Why would he? He didn't do anything Wrong.

At last he passed out due to pain,laying in his own blood.Soon G came.

G : take him hospital,after he wakes up throw him at his home

He ordered kai and sehun nodded.

See you in next chapter
They all will face tae's wrath now....Haha(evil laugh) i am excited.

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