Chapter 15.

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Leia crept into the kitchen while her mother cooked their dinner. The smell of her mums cooking never failed to comfort Leia, but today it wasn't as effective.

She tried to prepare herself for this conversation, knowing it was going to happen one day, but her anxiety had her in a chokehold.
She twiddled her fingers as she stood there, still peeping around the door way, trying to calm her breathing before making her entrance.

'Hey mum can we talk?'

Leia's question seemed to shock her a little as she looked a little startled when she turned around to face her daughter.

'Oh honey I didn't realise you were there! Whats up?'

Leia waddled over there feeling like a little kid again going to help prepare dinner.
'Um, it's a bit of an awkward question, really'
Her cheeks were already flaming before she got her words out, and her mother turned round to face her with a look of love and concern.

She put the knife down that she was using to chop some carrots and gave Leia her utmost attention.

'You can ask me anything sweetie'

'Well, when you and dad started, uh, well first met, how did he ask you out? Or how did you start talking proper- or-'
Leia stammered to get her words out and it worsened when she saw the look on her mothers face.

Leia's mum and dad split up when she was just a few years old. She knew it was because of her condition even though her mum said it was nothing to do with that.
In a lot of cases, people with Vitiligo start getting their patches (as Leia calls them, or splotches) when they're in their teenage years, but other people, like Leia, get them soon after they're born.
She knew her father thought there was something wrong with her. Everyone did.

It was definitely a hard subject to bring up as they never speak about him.

'Oh, well we met in University from mutual friends and we kind of just... clicked'
There was a sadness in her voice and it traveled to Leia's heart. This is why she didn't want to speak about him.

'Anyway, what makes you ask such a thing?'
A wide smile overtook her mums face as she clearly fought away any memories she had. It made Leia smile a little.

'Well, there's someone I want to be friends with, but I don't know how to do it?'

'Friends or more than friends?'
She felt like a teenager all over again talking to Leia about this, and no matter how tempted she was to be the annoying mother that acts over the top when she finds out her daughter has a crush, she pushed it down to try and make Leia feel more comfortable. She didn't have anyone else to talk to about this.

Leia went bright red, but she also was well aware that question would be asked.

'M-Maybe more than friends, but just friends for now'

'Okay,' she hummed thoughtfully. 'Do you have any shared interests?'

'Um, we both like reading. That's all I really know'

'Okay, that's pretty useless information,' Her mother chuckled as a giggle escaped Leia's mouth, letting her know she wasn't as anxious anymore.
'Why don't you try meeting them somewhere you're comfortable. What about that Café you and May go to?'

She grumbled.
'That seems to much like a date. I don't want to scare him off'

So it was a boy. She never asked if it was a girl or a boy because it wasn't really her business who her daughter was interested in. As long and the person keeps her daughter safe and happy, she wouldn't have a problem.

'Just be clear it isn't a date then. Wherever you decide to go, just make sure it's somewhere public-'

'Yes, I know mum'

'Hey, I'm serious. You could always go to the park instead. Have a little walk'

That could work. Aone seems to like keeping active, he might prefer going for a walk outside than sat inside a fairly busy place like a café.

'That's brilliant mum, thanks! Love you!

Her mum giggled as Leia jumped up and hugged her tightly before running off to her room, no doubt preparing to message the mystery boy.

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