Part 45: volcano girls

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The dance floor has a pulse. Bodies move in time and out of time all at once, each being lost in their own rhythm. Limbs rise and fall like waves. The smell of copper and sweat stings her nostrils. Her mouth waters, guts swirl and twist with hunger. Marko feels it too. His hand rests on the small of Sofie's back as they make their way through the crowd to the bar. She can feel eyes on her. Men turn their heads when she inches past them. It's embarrassing. Uncomfortable. Suddenly the outfit she's picked out feels too much like a second skin. She becomes aware of just how exposed she is. Every time she takes a step, she fights the urge to pull her dress lower and lower down her thighs. Her hands go to pull her jacket tight around her waist when Marko leans in to whisper in her ear.

"Don't cover up. You can get us a good meal looking like that."

Reluctantly, she releases her jacket and draws in a deep breath. From across the bar, she sees Matt serving drinks and screams his name over the music to get his attention. His head snaps up and his eyes almost bug out of his skull as they approach.

"Uhhh, wow, Sof. You look..."

"Be nice," she warns.

"I've just never seen you dressed like this before," he laughs. "It's a little shocking."

"Yeah," she laughs awkwardly, pulling her dress down as she climbs onto a bar stool. "It was laundry day."

"What are you doing here?"

"We just wanted to dance."

"And drink for free?"

"Ah, you know me so well, Matty," she teases, reaching over to bop him on the nose.

She orders two whiskeys. Tim insists they're on the house, but Sofie slides him a twenty.

"Summer bonus," she quips. Tim looks down and she pushes it a little farther across the bar. "Go on, take it!"

"Are those a thing?" Tim asks, one eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"They are now."

Tim smiles.

"Thanks, Sof."

She hands Marko his glass and watches as he turns toward the crowd, leaning back against the bar top. Matt and Tim talk about baseball or football or some dumb sport she never bothered to get invested in. Matt tried to get her to watch the Super Bowl once, but she fell asleep about half an hour in. Sofie glances over at Marko, his eyes are following the crowd looking for a straggler, a sign of weakness. She reaches over and brushes a hand across his exposed stomach. Marko sighs and leans into her touch.

"You good?"

"Hungry," he murmurs as he sips at his drink. "You wore me out earlier."

Sofie lets out an incredulous laugh.

"I wore you out?"

Marko tosses his drink back and leans over to graze her earlobe with his teeth. She shivers.

"Wanna dance, beautiful?"

Sofie drains her glass and flashes him a flirtatious grin.

"With you? Always."

He takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor. They're swallowed up by the crowd, pulsing and writhing with them. Sofie wraps her arms around Marko's neck, feeling him pressed against her. No one else exists except the two of them. His lips dive for her neck as they move in time with the music. She feels his hands glide up her thighs, underneath her dress. His voice rings through her head.

I want to hunt.

I can tell. You've been handsy all night.

Marko purrs in her ear and flicks his tongue across her jugular. Sofie lets out a small, satisfied groan.

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