Part 32: landslide

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Marko and Sofie lay entwined in one another for a few hours, talking and laughing. He makes love to her again - slowly, this time. No clawing, no sinking his fangs into her skin. It's gentle. Delicate. But Sofie falls apart beneath him all the same, whimpering his name as he runs his thumb across her bottom lip and watches her with heavy lids as her eyes roll back. When they finish, they collapse, exhausted and boneless. Sofie stares up at the ceiling of the cave, her mind completely blank. It's nice. Peaceful. God knows she's earned it. Marko regains some of his energy and begins chattering mindlessly to fill the silence in the room.

"Let's play a game," he says, propping himself up on one elbow. His eyes glimmer in the dim light of the bedroom.

Sofie raises one eyebrow.

"What kind of game?"

"I ask you a bunch of questions and you have to answer and fast and as honestly as possible."

"Sounds dangerous."

He quirks an eyebrow.

"Only if you have something to hide."

"You know you can read my mind, right?" She asks.

Marko kisses the top of her head.

"Yeah, but I choose not to."

The revelation makes her smile wide.

"Cute, smart, and respectful? How did I get so lucky?"

"You forgot immortal."

"Right," she laughs. "Okay, shoot."

"Why don't you talk to your mom?"

"How do you know I don't talk to my mom?"

"Just a feeling."

Sofie's eyes go wide. She didn't realize things would be getting so personal. She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Answer fast, she thinks. Fast and honest. It dawns on her that neither of them knows very much about each other's histories - or, at least Marko doesn't know a lot about hers. Kevin made it so difficult to tell the truth that, for her, keeping secrets has become a gift permanently stored in her DNA.

"Because she wasn't a good mom."


"She cared more about partying than she cared about me." Sofie can't help the tears pooling in her eyes. "I think she always blamed me for taking part of her youth away from her."

"She was young when she had you?"

A nod.

"What's her name?"


"Do you love her?"

Sofie smiles. She remembers her mother's face. Dark, wavy hair like hers. Brown eyes with thick lashes, small pouty lips that were always painted pink, and delicate cheekbones. She can hear her voice, her laugh as though she's in the room with them. It wasn't all bad. She was a fun mom when she was around. Sofie had complete freedom, but that also meant growing up fast. Cooking for herself, learning how to keep the house clean so that social services didn't catch wind of anything, setting her own alarm, and making sure her mom left for work on time. It all became routine after a while.

"Always," she whispers. "I'll always love her."

"Who's the first person you ever loved - outside of your immediate family?"

She lifts her head, eyes narrowed. Marko laughs.

"I won't hold it against you if it's not me," he says with a wink. She swats him on the arm.

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