Part 5: Volcano

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The ride back to her apartment is quick. Marko speeds in between cars and people. Sofie can't help but let out more than a few squeals and screams. She feels his laughter reverberate through her body as they almost sideswipe her landlord's Mercedes. He screeches to a halt in front of her building, leaving her breathless. He turns to her and grins.


"I'm getting used to it," she quips. She rests her head on his shoulder, trying to get closer to him. "What were you and David talking about back at the boardwalk?"

Marko shakes his head.

"Old stuff. Doesn't matter."

She stares at him, wishing she could read his mind.

"You sure?"

Marko nods, climbs off the bike and offers her his hand. They walk to her front door like they've done this a thousand times before. She puts her hand on the door handle before turning to him. Marko's eyes are fixed on her, dark and dangerous. She bites her lip and reaches up to touch his face. He's cold.

"Do you wanna come inside and hang out for a while?" She asks, again, unable to stop the words from spilling out of her mouth. She does want it, though.

He taps his chin with his index finger, feigning a look of concentration.

"Hmm, let me think... yes."

She laughs and unlocks the door. When they step inside, she hears Ichabod making that same low, menacing meow from the other night, his eyes glowing in the dark. Marko snickers.

"Nice cat."

She sighs and flicks on the lights.

"I swear, he's usually a sweetheart. Something's gotten into him lately."

Marko walks over to Ichabod, who is backing up, growling, and puffing his fur up. He crouches down and reaches his hand out.

"What's his name?" He asks.


He clicks his tongue softly. Ichabod takes a step forward while Marko stays perfectly still, eyes fixed on the cat. Sofie watches with a mixture of tension and interest before Ichabod finally hisses at Marko and takes off into the bedroom. Marko chuckles and climbs to his feet.

"I'm sorry," Sofie sighs. "He must be sick or something. He normally loves people."

"I won't take it personally."

He glances around her apartment. It's small and sparse. A couch, a coffee table that she found on the side of the road when she was eighteen, and a small television set balanced on a couple of milk crates. She's tried to spruce it up over the years by putting up posters, plants, and weird art she's found at the boardwalk. With the garbage cleared out, this is the most grown-up her place has ever looked.

He glances at her windows.

"You have blackout curtains."

Sofie shrugs, kicking off her shoes.

"I mean, yeah. I work at night like 99% of the time. They seemed like a good idea." She pads to the kitchen. "Want a drink?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."



She opens the fridge door and sighs. Empty.

"Shit," she says loudly.


"I only have whiskey."

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