Part 19: to the moon and back

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They leave Max's store hand in hand. Sofie nervously chews her lip, her brow knit together in concentration. Her head is spinning. Marko glances at her, his expression worried.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would say no."

She's quiet for a moment. Contemplating.

"I'm not exactly jumping at the chance to drink from David and Max," she confesses. She wants to be closer to Marko, and only Marko. The idea of her belonging to Max feels unnecessary. He's not even really a part of their circle. He's more of a vampire consultant.

Marko stops and sticks out his pinky finger.

"It's only one time. I promise."

"David's really gonna milk this, isn't he?"

Marko tries not to laugh.

"Probably. But I promise. Just once."

She links her finger with his and smiles. He pulls her in for a slow, soft kiss. Sofie sighs and wraps her arms tightly around his waist. He can make her forget about anything just by pressing his lips to hers. She closes her eyes, letting him take control, as he deepens the kiss. His hands roam up and down her body and he growls, not caring who's watching. Normally, she would be shy about public displays of affection, but the only thing that matters is him, and the fire he sparks in her bones. She breaks the kiss, breathless, but hungry for more.

"Let's go dancing," she whispers.

He grins.


"Yeah. I want to forget about Kevin, about that part of the ritual... I just want to be with you."

Marko grabs her by the hand and practically drags her down the boardwalk. She giggles.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To my bike. I know a place."

The ride isn't that long, maybe ten minutes. He drives into a part of town that she's either never been to despite living here all her life, or that she's forgotten. He parks in front of a club with no signage. It's a dark, nondescript building that looks like a small factory. There's a small, square neon sign just above the door. It looks dingy and pretentious all at the same time. Sofie looks around for any sign that the building is even open, but Marko seems confident. He climbs off his bike and reaches for her hand. Sofie laughs.

"I knew you were cool, but I didn't know you were 'I hang out at bars with no name' cool."

He steps forward and brushes her hair away from her face.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," he whispers. Her skin tingles at the low rumble of his voice and she runs her hands up his shirt, caressing his well-muscled abdomen. Marko lets out a soft groan.

"Show me," she says softly.

"Come dance with me."

Sofie follows him into the club. It's dark, but it only takes her eyes a second or so to adjust. Sofie shrugs her jacket off to reveal a tight black tank top. Marko glances at her, letting out a low whistle as he takes in her form. She tries to fold her arms over her chest, but he grabs them and holds them out so that she can't conceal anything.

"You're a fucking smoke show. You know that, right?"

"Sometimes." She looks to the coat check and bites her lip, desperate to change the subject. "I didn't bring my purse and I wanna check my coat."

"I got it, darlin'."

Marko takes her jacket from her gingerly and walks to the coat check. He taps on the counter and the girl in the booth whirls around, flashing him a flirtatious smile. She's pretty. Fire engine red hair, winged eyeliner, and a leopard print bustier. The tip jar next to her is practically overflowing with crumpled bills. Sofie watches, her expression neutral, but her eyes piercing into the girl, who doesn't seem to notice or give a shit.

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