Content Warnings, Playlists, and Author's Notes

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This is a mature story intended for people over the age of 18. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This fic deals with the impact of domestic abuse and trauma. There is also depictions of violence, smut, swearing, drug use, police brutality (ACAB forever), and general deviation from canon.

I made up my own backgrounds about the boys (where they're from, their histories, etc.) because there was a lot of creative room for me to do that. It's my story, so I took creative liberties where I saw it was fit to do so.

If any of what I've just described bothers you or messes with your head canons, don't read this. This is your only warning.

This is the first book of a two book series. I haven't finished the second book. Everything is also up on my AO3 account (see link in bio)

Major Content Warnings: discussions of abuse, discussions of trauma and PTSD, blood drinking, vampire shenanigans (murder, mayhem, terrorizing the residents of Santa Carla), swearing (a lot of swearing), smut (rough sex, biting... they're vampires), smoking, drug use, mentions of teen pregnancy and the struggles that go along with it, toxic relationship dynamics. all of my adult OCs are 18 or over.

There will also be multiple POVs in this. It's just how I write. I make it pretty obvious so hopefully it's not confusing for y'all!

Telepathic communication is in italics.

Marko & Sofie:

Dwayne & Kara:

Sick Child - MarkoxOCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora