They have an average build, more built for agility than strength, they don't pride themselves in athletics though. Couple of bruises from a giraffe-plant thing (I don't have a name for it yet). Small feet, average hands, kind of has an inverted triangle body. Proportionally below average weight because of height. Always wears a green scarf to cover scars.

(keep in mind this is a character design so they basically always wear the same thing when I draw)
I'm cool with that. It's easier to draw characters with the same outfit.

Dark and light purple horizontally striped long sleeved shirt, big stripes. A long dark green scarf. A bland skull mask that's mainly for disguise because they're kind of illegal, doesn't actually wear it that much. Dark pink leggings. Short dark fur boots. Also carries magic pins/darts with them and a purple feather for signing necromancy contracts. (Also, should've mentioned in appearance but they have a faded burn mark on their wrist)
Love the outfit! It gives Jess's vibe off, making them more memorable, and just looks cool in general!


Important people:
Luna - 27 year old female. Old friend, also holds her hostage for a while. Tall and has shoulder length blue hair. A worker for a really powerful organization that has a ton of workers and pays her minimum wage. Light manipulator.

Reed - 27 year old male. Second cousin of Luna. Dark red-brown hair and is above average height. Runs part of the organization, the controlling friend Jess has for 10 years before they abandoned him. Fire manipulator.

Vennoa - 28 year old female, albino, white soft curls slightly below her shoulder. Ex gf and very manipulative, literally her powers. Lives at the one place Jess believed was safe, a large hidden land for people with dark magic.

Everything looks good here! The characters all have unique names and good designs! But what about Jess's family? Do they have any? Where are they now? Does Jess even know who they were? If not, then you can include that, and explain why they never knew them.


Backstory: Jess met Reed at 6 years old at prime school.
(school is done in two parts for this world, Primary (Prime) where you study all sorts of magic, but not do any, as well as basic academic subjects like math and science and Final, where you apply for a number of schools, take a test then pick a single kind of magic to learn for up to 25 years. Also teaches academic subjects)

At first they got along well, Jess would happily wear the cloaks Reed's family made and they would spend their time studying fire magic together. He became close friends with Reed and friends with Luna and Will, (someone from Luna's prime school) who would sometimes visit Reed's house.

Reed slowly became slightly more controlling and isolating and would only hang out with Jess, who at the moment saw nothing wrong. Reed always forced Jess into doing things he liked and morphed their opinions into his own, not even completely intentionally. Jess was basically Reed's sidekick until Reed took the final school's test early, and left the prime one. They stayed in touch, but Jess made new friends, Vennoa and a guy named Jay. They were both into dark magic and encouraged Jess to try something other than fire. For four years, Jess had some time to grow as a person and live for themself, Jay and Vennoa still mostly guided their way though, always making "suggestions" for them.

Once the final school test was required (age 16 but sometimes people take it early like Reed) Reed asked if Jess would apply for the school he was at, under the impression that Jess was still into fire magic. Jess didn't apply for the school but instead for a few promising death themed ones. And ended up telling Reed that they now realize Reed was a bad person to them and with no other ideas on what to do, ghosted him.

After getting into one of their chosen schools, Jess found more people with similar interests to them and thus made more friends. It all went well for a few years until Vennoa happened.

3 years into final Vennoa and Jess started dating and Vennoa was probably worse than Reed. Using manipulation techniques and even resorting to magic to get Jess on her side for everything. She managed to get them to leave to go to a place she claimed could teach dark magic but also provided homes and so at age 20 they left with her.

They stayed together in a toxic relationship for a total of 4 and a half years, Jess's mental health getting worse and worse before they finally left after a huge fight.

After that, things got a little better, he bought a home that doubled as a ride, traveled the land and spent most of his time near a friendly village.

After Reed had an announcement that made the news, that dark magic users should be imprisoned, especially necromancers, Jess worried that one day they would be forced to go back to Reed, and made a plan that if anyone ever came for them, they would go back to the hidden dark magic sanctuary, a place they were sure would be impossible to find.
The backstory is realistic and interesting. It has a good amount of trauma and happiness, and ended in a sort of cliffhanger way (in this case, it was good, leaving potential for a plot). Good work!


Jesse is a fun yet interesting character. During their younger years, everything was looking bright for them. Reed seemed to be nice and fun person to be friends with, but, unknowingly to Jess, Reed turned out to be manipulative and overall just a bad person. Thankfully, because they were young, nothing too major happened.

After Reed left, Jess had some time for themself, but that didn't last long. Vennoa and Jess started dating, and though things were looking good at first, all that happened was Vennoa constantly manipulating Jess, slowly ruining their mental health. Thankfully, this toxic relationship came to end, but left Jess feeling regret after spending so much years wasting their life with toxic people.

And now, here Jess is, not really caring about this life whatsoever. Until, his old friend Reed, declared that dark magic users should be imprisoned.

This plot would be sure be an interesting one. Something along the lines of a fantasy thriller, maybe even a romantic subplot (maybe Jess x Reed since the manipulation wasn't that bad, but that would be complicated to write nonetheless, since Reed basically wants to imprison Jess). Jess, and maybe their group of friends (new or old), could try to stop Reed and convince him that dark magic users aren't as bad as they seem. However, obviously, the plot is up to you.

To flesh out Jess more, list some of their likes, dislikes, hobbies, and fears. This will make readers curious about Jess, and also like them more. Fears can also stop Jess from achieving their goal, which sounds bad, but it makes the story have more tension and leaves your readers hooked.

Overall, well made character. Put Jesse to good use!

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