Thank You!

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Just wanna say thank you for 3.5k reads on this! This is my most read book and (I know this next part will sound cliché but its true) I honestly did not expect this to get this big! As I've mentioned a few times I started writing this in a carpark at night on a whim 😂

But actually this means so much to me! I really do appreciate it! 

So take a few deep breaths, calm yourself down, take a bit of a break, shower if you need it, have a snack and some water. If you bind, bind safely okay? 

You're all super amazing and completely valid and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! 

Also the sequel is up if you want to read that (I just published a somewhat fluffy chapter and there are some more fluffy ones to come) but do it after you've taken a nap or something okay? Your mental and physical health is more important. 

Have a great day/night!

- Georgie <3

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