Chapter 22

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Philza's POV

TW: Hospitals, Emergency Room, Swearing, Self blame, yelling, blowing up, mentions of surgery, mentions of car accidents, flashbacks, death, funerals, drunk drivers

After hanging up the phone Wilbur was silent. It was obviously bad news. Niki and me exchanged nervous and confused glances but we didn't press it. He didn't talk the whole way to Florida. But when saw the sign he gave us a brief mention of where we were meant to be going. But my anxiety rose even more when he mentioned 'Orlando Health St. Cloud Hospital' (A/N yes I looked up ER in Orlando Florida. It to me had the coolest name so I just picked it- like dude clouds are pretty!) Someone was in Hospital? Who?

After parking the car we ran into the ER room only to see Techno crying, Tubbo trying to put Tommy to sleep by rubbing his ears- and much to Tommy's obvious dismay it was working- and Dream pacing around the room and occasional hugging the other three, muttering angrily.

"It's my god damn fault. You're a fucking idiot." Dream said. I murmured a quick hello and gave him an awkward pat on the back. This was definitely not the way I'd planned on meeting him. "Sit down son. Whatever happened I'm sure it wasn't your fault." I comforted. And that was when he blew up.


I was silent for a few moments. So that's what had happened. I stared at him for a few moments. He'd hit Ranboo?

So I stepped forward.

And I hugged him.

He broke down in my arms. "I don't ever want to drive again. What if he- what if he dies?" He whispers. My eyes widened. It was that bad? I tried to distract myself from the similarities of last time I heard a sentence similar. They hadn't made it. "Then that isn't your fault. It's called an accident for a reason."

He held onto me tightly for another few minutes and then let go. "Go talk to Techno. Ranboo was hit on two sides. Techno was driving the other car." He mumbled, wiping his eyes. I stiffened.

Oh so it was definitely that bad. I looked over at Techno to see Wilbur hugging him. Niki had an asleep Tommy's head in her lap and was stroking his hair with one hand while side hugging Tubbo with the other arm. (A/N NOT A GOD DAMN SHIP! NO SHIPS ARE IN THIS BOOK. EVERYTHING IS PLATONIC.)

I knelt down in front of Techno. I saw brought back to 2006. Techno was 7.

"But Dad... what if Mum dies?" His voice was full of pain. Pain that a child his age shouldn't have to go through. "Mum will be okay." I comforted Techno, my heart breaking a little. "But Dad... I was there... the truck slammed into me and Mum! She turned and- and the last thing she said to me was 'I love you.' Then she spun the car and truck hit Mum's side of the car... It all went dark and I'm hurt and I'm going to have scars and it didn't even hit me!" He said his bottom lip trembling as he tried to hold back tears. "She'll be okay."

I straightened baby Tommy's tie and then grabbed Techno's hand and gently walked both of my boy's over to where Wilbur was waiting with his best friend, Niki. I'd already organised with her Mum that she'd watch the boys while I carried the coffin. "Hey boys. You're going to stay with Niki's Mum during the funeral service okay? I'll get you guys afterwards okay?" Wilbur and Tommy nodded but Techno looked deep in thought. I hugged each of them and began to walk towards the funeral car. I felt a small tug on my suit jacket and turned to look down. It was Techno.

"Hey Techie. You okay?" I asked a bit concerned.

 "Can I help you carry Mumma's box?" He asked. I glanced at the tear stains down his cheeks. Then I nodded and picked him up, tightly hugging him.

Then the last time I saw him cry.


I walked into Techno's hospital room. Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur were all asleep at home. Techno was in a blue Hospital gown, crying on his bed. His light pink hair was longer than I remembered. It was now just past his shoulders and the roots were his natural brown. The only reason I'd really noticed now was because he kept brushing it off his wet cheeks. I hugged him tightly. "Dad am I going to jail? I mean- I just killed a man! I lived and he didn't!" He was violently shaking. "Hey buddy it's okay. He was the drunk one. It was his fault. Not yours. Not yours at all." I replied.

"Are you sure?" 

The completely shattered look on his face nearly broke me. "I'm absolutely certain. None of this was your fault. You were following all the road rules, he was the one who ran a red light. You might be questioned a bit, but it's just so they get the story. It isn't at all because you're in the wrong." I rubbed his back gently.

And I was brought back into the present. It's a wonder all the trauma hasn't stopped him driving.

 "You okay?"

He collapsed into my arms.

"Dad... this time it was my fault."

Gasoline - Ranboo AngstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora