Chapter 19

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Technoblade's POV

TW: mentions hallucinations, mentions death, swearing

I saw Tommy sadly roll up his window. "What's wrong Theseus?" I asked as he slouched even lower in his seat. "I thought I saw him. But when I looked back he wasn't there. I was hallucinating." I pulled over and he glanced at me confused. And then I hugged him. I didn't normally hug people. It was all very touchy-feely but I could tell he needed it. He stiffened for a few moments but then melted into the hug. "It'll be okay. We've got people all over the country looking for him. We'll find him eventually."

He pulled away with tears in his eyes. "But what if we don't find him- what if we don't find him alive?" I put my hands on his shoulders as if to shake some sense into him.

"This is Ranboo we're talking about. He's tall as fuck. Everyone will be too scared to hurt him and he's a pretty smart kid. He'll be fine."

He laughed halfheartedly at my height comment. "You aren't wrong there." I began the drive again.

"Don't worry Theseus. He'll be fine."

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