Chapter 21

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Wilbur's POV

(Dedicated to @Just-a-silly-enby because they're in it as Doctor Bo. Also idk medical terms just pretend Doctor Bo is simplifying all the fancy medical terms lol)

TW: swearing, crying, mentions of car accident, self blame, mentions of panic attacks, yelling, mentions of stitches and bruises and scars, hospitals, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of eating disorders, possible death, surgeries, broken bones

I was sitting on the couch in Technoblade's apartment when I heard my phone ring from the other room.

I groaned. I didn't want to get up but it might be important. I walked over.

Only to miss the call. From Techno. 10 from Technoblade in fact. 3 from Tubbo. 6 from Tommy. And 4 from Dream. Shit. How had I not heard these? I frantically called Techno back. And he answered.

"What happened?" I asked urgently. But all I got in return was the sounds of crying and wailing. "Techie it's okay. What happened?" I asked trying to seem calmer so I wouldn't send anyone on the other end of the line into a panic attack. "It's- it's my fault-" Techno whispered repeatedly. "Hey, hey it's alright. Whatever happened was not your fault." I murmured while already hurrying Niki and Phil out the door. If Techno was in tears it must be bad.

I was relieved we'd planned the routes so I knew they must be in Florida at the moment. "ITS MY FUCKING FAULT! IF I'D JUST BEEN PAYING SOME GOD DAMN ATTENTION-" I heard Dream scream in the background. Now I was even more concerned. "Hey Techie can you hand the phone to one of the calmer people near you?" I asked, trying to keep the panic from overtaking my voice. I heard a mumbled 'okay'.

"Hello I'm Doctor Bo." A calm voice said. "Hi I'm Wilbur. Since I am not able to get any information on what has happened can you please tell me what's happened that has my brother in tears?" I asked. "Damn you're one of their brothers? They all sound so like- murder, rage and fear and you sound like- tea, scones and British and shit." They joked. I let out a snort of laughter and nodded before remembering they couldn't see me. "Yeah the short, brunette one, 6'1, blonde child with a swearing problem and the guy with glasses that from the sounds of it is crying are my brothers." I explained. Suddenly I felt the mood of the call turn serious. "Anyways that isn't why you're talking to me."

"There was a car accident. Your brother with the glasses- Technoblade I believe it was- and a dirty blonde haired one who calls himself Dream, collided with a very tall guy they claimed was called Ranboo on a crossing." I felt my heart drop. "Is everyone okay?" I choked out, scared of the answer. "Your brothers are slightly bruised and scratched. They'll have scars but nothing serious. Dream had to get stitches but it wasn't anything bad but-" they hesitated. "Ranboo was badly hurt. It would've been serious already but- we suspect domestic violence and an eating disorder which has made the situation a lot worse." I knew about the violence but the eating disorder shocked me.

"Was this why he was so against Phil sending him food?" I mumbled to myself. Phil who was driving sent me a concerned look. I waved him off, mouthing 'I'll explain later.' He nodded. "He's currently undergoing a serious surgery to remove a lot of glass. Also they're putting casts on his right arm and both legs as they were broken in the collision. He-" Doctor Bo's voice broke. "We aren't sure if he'll live through the surgery. And if he does there is still quite a high chance he won't live to recover."

"Thank you for this information. I must be going." Then I hung up. I was silent the whole way to Florida.

A/N hi. Writing this a day after it was actually written. Just realised that California to Florida is a 41 hour drive and also Ranboo walked that far aka I just made Wilbur silent for 41 hours and Ranboo walked 2,790.6 miles or 4491km. Ignore this and pretend it is

1. Realistic and shit And

2.he hitchhiked just a bit even though he said it was very against it.

Pls. I do not live in America. Even if I did I'm shit at geography. I live in Australia and thought Victoria was a city but I shit you not it's a state. Cut me slack for this. Please.

A/N 2 And because I put that in I couldn't remember if it had ever been confirmed to me that Victoria was a state so I had to look it up and happy to confirm that it is and even though I'm shit at geography I knew it was a state and the area it was.

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