Chapter 28

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Ranboo's POV

TW: funerals, mentions abuse, mentions being drunk, fluff (don't worry this is actually a pretty sweet chapter. Nothing too bad I promise. Hey you might even laugh!)

A/N It has been 2 days btw. Ranboo was out in 36hrs. Just go with it :)

I tied my tie my hands quivering. Then I pulled open the door. Tommy was staring in the mirror, pale and thin, his fingers shaking. I walked over to him and bent down a little bit and began to tie a neat Windsor tie. He began to break down as I tied the knot, his face now in his hands. Then I pulled him into a tight hug. 

"It's okay. You'll be okay."

Time skip brought to you by Unforgettable being a fucking amazing song! Yes I'm vibing to it through tears right now.

"Wilbur- he was my son. I was there when it happened. I wish I wasn't. When I think back to his childhood he was always such a happy kid. I never thought it would've ended like this- or so soon." Phil choked out before moving quietly back to his seat.

Techno moved up to the podium.

"Wilbur was an absolutely amazing brother. Better than amazing. I remember when I was younger I was always teased for liking Mythology. He came up to me, forced me to teach him everything about it and started to talk about it a lot to everyone else. And when they asked why his nerdy brother he said the he had forced me to read it. He took the bullets for me. And although we had our occasional fights we'd always make up. He was amazing. I'll see you again brother. And who knows maybe I'll be your Asclepius." He said. Then he walked down the stairs and gestured for Tommy to go up.

Me and Tubbo clung onto his arms as he walked up because not only were we next, but he would definitely need emotional support while doing.

"Wilbur- or Wilby as I often called him- was incredible. He was so kind and talented and funny- one of my favourite memories of him was he when he was in a song writing block I guess you'd call it- I called him in tears about this girl who had rejected me. Because she had a crush on this guy called Jared." He began to laugh.

"This entire time everyone thought Jared had stolen a girl from him. But no it was based off me. About 3 months later he played it to me and I was in absolute stitches. I loved the song and loved that he was actually going to sing it. It was the perfect way to secretly take a dig at my now ex-crush and her new boyfriend." Everyone was laughing. This sounded exactly like something Wilbur would do. Probably because he had.

Tommy stepped back from the podium and hugged me before handing the microphone to me.

"Wilbur was always the one I could talk to. There were so many nights were I would just rant about everything. And he always listened. He was so selfless. One of the last things he'd done was to try and save me from an abusive family. He was amazing. There were so many times when I would call him in the middle of a panic attack and he'd calm me down."

"But my absolute favorite moment with him was when he was drunk and gave me his address. He woke up with a hangover and no memory of giving me his address. 2 months later he was very confused as to why he got a gay flag with a light up sign that spells Jared." I turned to Tommy. "Maybe I should've sent that to you instead. But when I explained, we had a pretty good laugh about it and every-time we called he showed me that he still had the flag hanging up next to the sign." Everyone was in absolute shreds of laughter.

"I hope we don't have to go back to the hospital because one of your sides split." I said into the microphone, making Tubbo absolutely dissolve into giggles, while everyone else was silently wheezing at my slightly dark joke.

When everyone was quiet again, Tubbo snatched the microphone out of my hand. "Laughing at his funeral. This is exactly what he would've wanted. Well my favourite memory of Wilbur was when we were filming the Natural Disaster Mod Video and we were filming the stuff together about mules. I was trying so hard to keep a straight face. He made it so hard. I loved it. Thanks for the good times Wilby. I'll miss you!" Tubbo called out to the sky.

When the funeral eventually ended, I drove us all to an ice cream shop nearby where we sat and reminisced about all our favourite memories of Wilbur, laughing and smiling. Sure it hurt a bit. But it would heal with time. I was sure of it.

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