Chapter One

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Its been a week since he called his Dad, reassured that one of these days he'll come home. His Dad doesn't like breaking promises. Except a few promises he couldn't keep because of circumstances.

Within those days, Izuku had bonded with his mom. Cooking and cleaning when he can, just to lighten the burden on his moms shoulder. He also told her about what happened that day, to say that his mom is angry would be an understatement.

She cooked his favorite that night, talking till he felt better. He knew he could count on his family, too bad he couldn't talk to his big brother. He's been busy these days.

"Izuku, would you mind going to the store with me?" His mom said from the kitchen, "I need to buy groceries, you see. And based on the almost empty fridge I'd need extra hands today."

The green haired boy stood up from packing his All Might figures and posters. He's been planning on selling it online, under an alias of course.

"Yes, mom. I'll be down in a second!"

His sock covered feet thumped on the floor softly, reaching for his drawers handle and pulling it open. He shuffles for a minute, deciding on wearing his white shirt with the words 'T-shirt' printed on it. He chuckled at the silly shirt.
His pants looked okay so he didn't bother changing it.

He ran down the stairs, catching up to his mom by the door. She smiled at him before opening the door.

The green eyed boy pushed the cart after his mom. Looking around once in a while for something that he may want to buy.

"Izuku, what do you think I should get?"

His mom held up two different cans, then he pointed at the can on her left hand. "We usually get the other one but this one is better."

She nodded, placing the other one back and getting 2 more of what he pointed. Placing it in the cart and walking off to the next item on their list.

On the meat section, they met Mitsuki, Katsuki Bakugos mom. She's nice, a little loud and brutally honest, but she means well.

She brought Bakugo with her too, his scowl indicated that he didn't have a choice.

"Oh, Izuku grew up so well." She squished one of his cheeks, looking at him fondly, "I haven't seen you around the house in years, you and Inko should come around sometimes." She glanced back to his mom, eyes shining.

"We could bond again! Oh think about the cookies we would bake!" She quickly locked arms with his mom and both walked away where the flour is.

Izuku and Katsuki followed behind, both pushing carts that held a decent amount of groceries.

The greenette wouldn't glance at the ash blond, he could still remember what the explosive teen had said in the classroom,

"..... -and take a swan dive off a rooftop of a building."

He thought of doing just that but talked himself out of it. He can't just leave his mom, she would be devastated. What would his dad think? His brother? So he walked out of the rooftop he and All Might talked on. Hands shaking and heart beating harshly.

He snapped out of his daze when they finally caught up to their moms. Both discussing what they would bake this sunday....

Izuku could feel his phone vibrate, he took it out and glanced at the phone screen..

Tenko is calling...

He immediately pressed the answer button and placed his phone by his ear.

"Hey, 'zuku. How are you feeling?"

The greenette sighed happily, he could feel the wide smile on his face, "Hey, Tenko. I'm doing fine now, how about you? I've not heard from you for almost a month. Are you hurt?"

A chuckle from his big brother and soft tapping sounds was what he heard before his raspy voice spoke again, "I'm fine, besides when was I ever seriously hurt?"

Izuku facepalmed, "Should I voice it all out? Okay, remember when you showed up at our door, limping and had a broken wrist? Or that one time when-" he was cut off when his brother coughed quite loudly, his phone must be on loud speak.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Anyways, I'm fine. Not hurt." He could hear amused chuckles in the background.
'' I'm more worried about you."

Izuku fell silent, thinking of what to say, "Well, I'm fine now. Dad said he'd come home and we'll think of something."

"Yeah, he told me. I would come home too, just a few days later."

Green eyes brightens, smile forming into a beautiful grin. "I can't wait.."

Bakugo glanced around, bored out of his mind. Don't misunderstand, he really wants to help his mom, he just doesn't know how to properly express it without feeling like an idiot.

He glanced at Deku, still busy talking away on his phone. Once in a while laughing.

Bakugo couldn't get what he said out of his mind. He seriously just said that the nerd should commit suicide and he regrets it. He wants to say sorry but his pride and fear held him back.
Why did he start treating the nerd that way?

Because he was filled with praises, about his quirk, looks and wealth. He just.... He was filled with pride, thinking anyone should be bellow him, like dirt. A kids mind is easily tainted with words and it shows.

He wants to apologize, but what if no one believes him? Thinking he was just after something else, or he's waiting to pull them under the rug.
What if Deku doesn't want to believe him.

So he just went to the 'better' option, ignore his flaws and continue with his actions. Which leads to much worst decisions.

He looked away, deep in thought.

He's scared, as uncharacteristic as it is for him, it's true. He's scared no one would believe him, believe that he wants to change.

||  Hi, this is my first chapter! Its short, I know. But the next one will be, hopefully, longer and better.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day, noon, afternoon, or night! ||

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