Chapter Twenty-Nine: Resolution

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"If what you're saying is true Shawn, why didn't you tell anyone earlier?" Mono asked

"I don't know, I didn't think anyone would believe me.." Shawn said. Mono sighed and sat up. "I'm going to go tell S.T, stay here." Mono opened the door.

"Wait-" Shawn said. Mono turned around to face him. "How do you know Seven is gone?" Shawn asked. He could see it in his eyes, his facial expression, he tried his best to mask it but it wasn't working. He was worried, it reminded him of a helpless puppy dog, but he didn't know if he could bear to tell him the truth. But he had no other choice.

"When I got to the mainland, I searched everywhere and I saw Seven's body in a beartrap."

Shawn gasped and held his hand to his mouth. "I'm really sorry Shawn, I really tried." Mono said as he put his paper bag back over his face and left the room. Shawn felt empty, his best friend was dead.

Mono told S.T the news, needless to say he was just as shocked as Mono was. Dylan was told and the two were kicked out, allowed to return in two years, if they were still alive. Mono made it back home to the welcoming arms of his girlfriend Six.

"How was everything?" She asked.

"Shocking, everyone is in shock." Mono said as he said lump on the couch.

"What ended up happening with..Shawn?" She asked.

"Shawn is 'banished' for six months, the others, two years." Mono sighed and laid his back on the couch.

"The others?" Six asked again.

"Right, let me give you a quick run down, basically, Shawn was upset that I came back with you instead of Seven, then two people came up to him and said that he could get Seven back if he were to kidnap you. The two people were identified, and to my surprise, it was Carrie and Eleven." Mono paused, "This whole thing is such a mess, but I'm glad I have you back" He smiled even though she couldn't see it. She took the paper bag off of his head. "You look so tired are you okay?" Six brushed the hair out of his face to reveal eyebags. "Get some rest!" She placed a pillow on her lap and patted it with her hand. He reluctantly laid down and slowly started to drift off as Six brushed through his messy hair. Everything started to make sense, Eleven never seemed to be happy or thrilled when he found Six, she was the one who kept pushing the idea she had run away and wouldn't be found and Carrie well...she was just being her usual self. Eleven had even shifted the blame off of Carrie and put it onto someone who she knew was involved, that was a smart move.

Mono woke up to the cold wind blowing through the open windows. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, everything was so dark, how long had he been asleep? He looked at Six, he felt her arms and legs and they were freezing cold. He sighed and groggily got up to look for a blanket. Through this search, he heard a quite,


He got up and walked back to the couch,

"Hey, what's up?" He whispered to Six.

"Why did you leave?" She rubbed her eyes

"I went to look for a blanket, you seemed cold." He leaned over to the couch.

"No, I'm okay, you kept me pretty warm.." She murmured

"I-uh-I'm-okay. uh, I'm gonna close the windows, why don't we rest somewhere more..comfortable?" Mono said. But there was no response, he looked back at Six and saw she had her eyes closed. She looked adorable. He closed the windows and picked up Six and dragged her to her bedroom and tucked her in. He brushed through her hair with his fingers.

"Good night" he whispered as he kissed her cheek. He went back to his room, it took him awhile to fall asleep that night, that day, that past month or so, it had all been so much. Him losing Seven and trying to find him, traveling so many times, finding Seven dead, finding Six, Six getting kidnapped. Two, or one of his close friends being the reason why Six was even gone. Everything was just so much. It was a lot to handle, especially Sevens death, he didn't want the same thing to happen to Six.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep. He woke up sore and tired. He rubbed his eyes and screamed when he saw Six sitting in the corner of his room.

"JESUS SIX-" He shouted, catching his breath.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to be here when you woke up!" Six said walking up to his bed.

"It's..okay" he panted. "I'm okay," he said.

He sat up, if he wasn't awake then he was awake now.

"Y'know you could've just laid down.." he sighed.

"Uh-I-okay, anyways, S.T stopped by earlier to check on you but you were asleep-" Six said.

"Oh, well, I'm fine." Mono looked at her.

"So, you never finished telling me about 'Seven' what happened with him?" Six asked.

Mono sighed and pulled the sheets off of him, his feet now touching the floor.
"When Seven went missing, he left me a note telling me where he would be, so that's where I went." Mono said. "He was going to the Mainland, but when I got there, his body's decomposing in a bear trap." He looked to the floor. It was such a vivid memory, seeing him hunched over, the dried blood on the trap and his body impaled by the giant metal spikes. "On my way back I found you, and well, I think we know what happened after that."

"That was..the same day you found me?" Six said.

"Yup, but there's no way I could let someone else die that day, two deaths that were completely in my control would have mentally broke me." He explained.

Six didn't respond this time, she just held his head and rested her head on his shoulder.

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