Chapter Ten- One day at a time

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Six sat alone in the dark pit she had been locked in, the dirt on the floor and surrounding walls had stained her white clothing. Her face was wet from crying, he wrists hurt from the tightness of the chains that held her there. Six stood up and felt around, she could feel metal bars preventing her from getting any further, How did they even get metal bars in here? Has this been prepared for a while? If this was here since the very beginning, who was it made for? She heard a door creak and light shone through, someone stood inside the door frame blocking some of the light, "Good Morning" Someone said. Six grunted and turned the other way, "Wow, okay" They walked in and closed the door behind them. "So, you still think he's coming for you?" They asked. Six didn't answer, "Well, he's busy preoccupying himself with another girl, guess we were both wrong.." They laughed, "Why..why are you doing this? Why are you telling me this?" Six quietly asked, They opened her cell door and walked inside, kneeled down and grabbed her chin. They leaned close to her and said "To let you know that there is no hope, no hope for you, no hope that you'll be free" They chuckled, "No hope that he'll come and save you" They let go of her chin and got up, Six stood as well, she had to hope she had some sort of luck, She listened for a while when they spoke, "I'll have someone come and talk to you later today, I'll have them bring you food and water, i may have kidnapped you, but i'm not that horrible" They said.

Six turned in what she thought was their direction and leaped towards them tackling them to the ground, "HEY!" They yelled, she had gotten a slap or two before someone else pulled her off, "You're gonna stay in here a lot longer if you continue to act like that.." They said, "Tyla, stay here, but outside of her cell, she's not in the best mood." They wiped the dirt off their clothing and walked away. Tyla had let go of Six and walked out of the cell too, she closed the door. "So, have any questions. Other than who's holding you here?" Tyla asked, "Why are you and Tyler a part of it? I don't even know you guys" Six asked, "My brother and I didn't wanna do this, but your capturer made us" Tyla said, "What about Mono? Is he really with another girl?" Six's voice broke a little while she asked that. It stayed silent for a few moments, "Yeah, he's been with another girl, but not in that way, He doesn't have feelings for her like he does for you.." Tyla said. "Tyler was ordered to follow him, spy on him, he's already gone crazy trying to find you, he panicked when he realized you were gone" She sighed, "Tyler also said he followed him into the school and hospital, He said that Mono took his anger out on the glass students and the gross frankenstein like hands. That's how he's been coping about your disappearance, violence." Tyla stood up, "I've gotta get going now, i'll bring you something to eat later.." Tyla walked out. Six sat there in silence, after a few moments, she laid down and closed her eyes.

"Morning Mono" Eleven said, Mono opened the door and yawned, "Hi" He said. Eleven walked inside and sat on the couch, "So, i went ahead and did some "research" for you," Eleven dropped some papers on the table, "What?" Mono asked as he sat beside her on the couch, "You see, I asked everyone if they heard or knew about Six, everyone said no except for ST, Shawn, Dylan, Carrie who was told by Tyla, and the twins." Eleven paused, "Which means, Tom, Fourteen, and the others, are all eliminated suspects" She added, "Well it can't be Dylan, he's always at the gate, and what would Carrie want with Six?" Mono paced around the room. "Yeah.. I wonder" Eleven sarcastically mumbled. "And I highly doubt the twins would do anything with Six" Mono stopped, "Unless" Mono paused and looked at the floor, Eleven stood up and walked over to Mono, "Unless?" She questioned, Mono looked at Eleven, "Unless they were being forced, or made to do it.." Mono said, "Okay, hypothetically, say they were being forced or made to take Six, who would do it?" Eleven asked, "Well, probably not Carrie.." Mono said, "Woah woah, before we rule out Carrie, let's think on why she would do it, what would be her reasons, or motives?" Eleven took out a piece of paper and started writing, "Honestly, I have no idea," Mono walked over to Eleven and looked over her shoulder, "Maybe she got jealous that you were hanging out with Six?" Eleven said, "Say she is, I don't recall her ever seeing Six, which means someone would have had to tell her, if Carrie took Six, Someone must have known she would be jealous enough to take her." Mono looked up to Eleven, "If Carrie told the twins about Six, she must have been complaining, so someone would have had to tell Carrie about Six" Mono said, "I haven't talked to Carrie yet," Eleven said, "Why's that?" Mono asked. Eleven paused for a moment, "Because I couldn't find her."

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