Chapter Twenty-Five: Safety

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She awoke in warmth. She opened her eyes, through her blurred vision she could see someone slouched over, probably sleeping, in a chair against a wall. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. After blinking  a couple times, her vision set in and see could see more clearly now. It was Mono. "Mono?" She said through a raspy voice. "Hm?" Her said under his breath and looked up. He put his hands under-neath his paper bag and rubbed his eyes. "Hey," , "how ya' feeling?" He asked. "I feel,,,okay, what happened?" She asked. "Well, you fainted." He said. "You really scared me."

"I'm, sorry, I'm really sorry about that." She said.

"Honestly, it's nothing, it was just, scary I guess. I was watching and listening to the argument and I saw you and him make eye contact and then you just, dropped." He said.

She stayed quiet.

"But you're okay now, that's all that matters." He said

"Is the argument over yet?" She asked.

"I'm not too sure, I've been here since you fainted."

"How long have I been out for?" She asked.

"Half an hour."

"What happened after I fainted?"


They stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Mono kept his guard up. For all he knew, Shawn could charge for her. Out of the corner of his, he saw Six disappear. He whipped his head around and saw her on the floor. He ran to her aid, she wouldn't wake up. The rain didn't help, the soggy paper bag on his head was turning into a paper mache and slowly falling off. He picked her up and ran. Eleven followed behind. Mono swung open the door and placed her on her bed. He grabbed a towel and dried her off a little. He took off her yellow raincoat and hung it on the coat hanger near the front door of the cabin.

He grabbed a chair and went back to the room, he placed it on the wall near the door and sat there. He watched her until he fell asleep.

"I don't know if the fight is still going, but I made some food if you're hungry.." he said.

" I mean, I could eat," she responded. He got up and left the room. Moments later he returned with a bowl, the smell coming from it made her mouth water. Has it been that long since she had good food?

"I thought some soup and crackers would be good for you right now, but I can make you something else if you'd like?" He said, handing her the soup.

"This is perfect, thank you." She grabbed the spoon and started to eat her soup.

"I'm gonna go back outside, stay here" he grabbed the doorknob.

"Wait! I wanna come with you!" She said.

"No Six, you fainted last time." He said

"I promise I won't this time."

He sighed.

He walked over to the bed and sat on the side of the bed and looked at the floor.

He took the bag off his head, and looked at Six.

"Why did you even faint?"

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