Chapter Nine- He'll come for me

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Mono rubbed his eyes and got out of bed, He groggily walked around the house. Six, he thought, he walked outside to be greeted with the familiar yellow raincoat lying on his porch. "No, no no no no no" Mono picked up the coat and ran towards the gate. "DYLAN" Mono shouted, Dylan shot up and looked at Mono. "Whats up?" Dylan said, Mono frantically tried explaining what had happened the previous night. "I have no idea what you're saying dude" Dylan looked at Mono. "Six is gone, have you seen her?" Mono said more camly, "Uh, no I haven't.." Dylan said. Mono nodded and speed walked towards the main hall. He kicked open the doors, "Woah there soldier boy what can I do for you?" Shawn chuckled, ST stepped out, "Mono?" ST asked, "Your little knight in shining armour busted down the doors" Shawn said annoyed, "Mono what's the matter?" ST asked. "Six is gone, do you know where she went?" Mono asked, "How would we know that? She was with you" ST said, "Yeah, maybe she stormed off after that fight you guys had." Shawn said. "How did you know about our fight?" Mono asked. Shawn's smirk dropped, "I saw her storm off from your house" Shawn said, "So you would have seen where she went then, right?" Mono looked at Shawn, He cleared his throat, "Unfortunately, I have not, I only saw her storm off, but she probably left the gate." Shawn said, "Bullshit, Dylan said he didn't see her" Mono said. "Well, then I don't know where she went." Shawn said. "Fine, can you at least help me find her then?" Mono asked, there was a long pause between the three. "Mono," ST said, "I'm afraid we can't help you" He added, "Are you- Fine, I'll go look for her myself.." Mono walked out.

"HELP" Six yelled repeatedly, She stopped and started to tear up, "My god, finally you stopped." A voice spoke, "Who are you?" Six asked, "Do you think i'm stupid enough to tell you that?" They said. "What do you want with me?" Six said, "You're valuable, don't you see that?" They kneeled and held her chin, "You're worth a lot, he'd beg on his knees for you" They threw her to the floor, "You're gonna stay here, until I get what I want" They laughed. "You, go entertain the girl" They said. Footsteps faded, Shortly after Six heard someone else approach. "Hey there!" They said, "Who are you?" Six asked, "I'm Tyla!" Tyla said, "Idiot, you weren't supposed to tell her your name" Another voice spoke, "OHH YEAHH," Tyla said, "Sorry Tyler" She added. "Oh fuck you." Tyler said and walked away. Six laughed, "Hey look I got you to laugh!" Tyla clapped. "Do you know who kidnapped me?" Six asked, "Yep! It's-" Tyla tried saying before she got smacked, "ow..." She said quietly. "You're gonna ruin everything, y'know that?" Tyler said, "Let's switch places, you watch him, i'll watch her." Tyler said, "Fine." She pouted and walked away. "Let's talk," Tyler sat down, "What do you wanna know?" He questioned, "Who put me here?" Six asked again. "Anything but that-" Tyler said. "Fine, how long am I going to be here?" Six asked, "Until they decide to let you go," Tyler paused, "Or at least until they're satisfied.." He mumbled, "What?" Six asked, "Uh, nothing!" Tyler stood up as Six's capturer walked in, "He'll come for me y'know? Just like the other times!" Six tried to get up but she was yanked back. "You chained me?!" She yelled, "Only to prevent what you just tried to do." They laughed, "You really think he'll come for you? AGAIN, "Other times" huh? Don't you think hes tired of constantly saving you?" They said, "You're only a PROBLEM," They walked away, "He's probably glad you're gone." They said, Tyler left as well. Six's eyes teared up as she started to cry.

Mono walked inside a white tent and dropped a dead hand on the table, "Oh my" She said looking at the hand, Mono then dropped multiple porcelain parts on the table, "Where did you get all of these?" She walked over to Mono, "It doesn't matter, just take them" He sighed. "Mono..." She placed her hand on his shoulder, "I heard what happened with your girlfriend.." She said, "She's not my girlfriend el' " Mono shrugged her hand off his shoulder, "But you want her to be, don't you?" Eleven looked at him, "Look I need to find her," Mono looked at Eleven, "Before that, I need to know what really happened, did she run off? Did someone take her?" Mono stared at the floor, "We'll find her Mono, I know we will.."

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