Chapter Seventeen: I thought I lost you

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Six was there for a while, counting the days on the dirt floor using a stick she found in her cell. She was starving, cold, sad. She counted the days until she lost hope and stopped counting. She'd been captured before, but she was able to escape the first time, with Mono's help, and Mono saved her the other time. But she had a feeling he wasn't coming this time, something told her he gave up, he wasn't coming, that he too lost hope..or that he simply just didn't care. Six could hear her stomach rumbling, She hadn't eaten in days. Tyla and Tyler would attempt to sneak her food, but when they got caught, Six was punished and they wouldn't visit her for a few days, leaving her hungry. However, everytime they were caught she would count the days until they came back, it was usually three or four days. It had been three days since they last tried to sneak her food, so today would be the day they came back. Even though Six was starving to death, she wasn't excited to see them, any of them, the only thing she got out of them coming back was food, and not dying obviously. The person who took her made sure she wouldn't die, but would torture her by making sure she came close to it, and made it feel like she was about to. Then they'd give her food and water so she'd have to live, They didn't want her to die, they just wanted to keep her hostage as long as possible.

Six layed down on the dirt floor, and rested her head on her arms. She stared at the ceiling and wondered why her of all things had to have been taken by Mono, she could've had a well deserving happy ending with her new friend. One positive thing she got out of this though, was clarity, instead of bouncing around the question "Do i like him or not?" Being trapped here got her time to think, along with talking to Tyla about it from time to time. Six finally had her answer...She did. She was in love with him, her only worry was if he felt the same. Six closed her eyes and started to drift off when she heard the familiar scraping sound of the heavy cellar doors opening. Six shot up, hoping it was them bringing her food. To her surprise she didn't hear Tyla and Tyler calling out to her, instead she heard quiet whispers. She couldn't make out what they were saying but the sound of their footsteps grew closer and closer. Out of terror she cuddled into a corner and turned out her lantern. She was terrified it was her capturer or someone else. Another lantern shined into her cell, the bright light made her close her eyes. Whoever it was let out a small gasp and jiggled with the lock on her cell door. Whoever was shining the light placed it down and walked away. Six didn't open her eyes. Whoever was there grabbed her shoulder and shook her, maybe if she played dead she could get them to leave. "Six?" They whispered. They knew her name? Six opened her eyes and slowly turned her head. Her eyes filled with tears, not the sad kind, but the happy kind. Crouching before here was her Bagheaded friend. "M-Mono?!" She said quietly, Mono took the bag off his head and gave Six a hug. "I..thought I lost you," He whispered tearfly. Six hugged him back and they sat like that for a while. The other person came back and whispered, "We gotta go come on". Mono broke off the hug and placed the bag back on his head. He held his hand out, Six took his hand and wobbled while getting up. She was hungry but she didn't want to say anything. She was walking with Mono while the other person walked ahead of them shining the light. When they reached the stairs, Six felt light headed, her legs felt like jelly. Six's eyelids grew heavy, she could feel herself about to pass out. Six reached the top of the stairs when her vision went black and she felt herself drop to the floor. She could feel Mono shaking her, his muffled voice calling to her panicking. "Six?!" Mono called out, Six was laying there on the floor. "Mono? Six? What happened?" Eleven asked. She rushed over to Six and checked for her pulse, "She's still alive, she still has a pulse!" Eleven said, "I'm sure whoever Tyla's stalling isn't going to be there for long, We should carry her to your house and come back here.." Eleven said, "Sounds like a plan." Mono said. He carefully picked her up in a bridal position and carefully rushed her over to his house. Once him and Eleven reached his house they took the long way up since it would be difficult to carry Six up the ladder. They reached his front door, Mono rushed and laid her down in the spare bedroom. Mono took the time to look at her arms, they were very skinny, you could see her bones. "Did they starve her?" He said, "Possibly, it could also be why she passed out" Eleven said. "Can you cook?" Mono asked.

Mono rushed back to the cellar doors to close and lock them. Mono locked the doors and walked back, "Hey!" He called out, They turned around, "M-Mono! It's not what it-" They said. Mono cut them off, "I got a report of suspicious activity here, If you leave now I won't report that I saw you here," Mono said, "Got it! Leaving now!" They said, They ran off. Tyla approached Mono from behind him, "Did you get Six?" She asked, "Yeah..she's at my house with Eleven.." He said, Mono walked to his house, Tyla followed. They arrived at Mono's house, he opened the door to See Eleven sitting down at the couch reading a book. "I brought Tyla, How's Six?" He said, "Well, she ate, and then went back to sleep, she'll live" She said closing her book, She got up, "I think we should wake her, that way she can shower and change into a fresh change of clothes.." Eleven said, "Right, you guys go wake her, I'll let her borrow some clothes."  He said walking to his room.

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