Chapter Twenty-Four: Coming to an end

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"I love you" Six said

Mono stared in disbelief, what did she say?
"Yo-what?" He asked. "I..said I loved you" She responded. "I understand if you don't, feel the same way..".

Mono smiled, "I do"

Six seemed stunned, ""

"Yeah...I do"

She jumped to hug him, causing them to stumble to the ground.

They stayed like that for a while to stay the least.

It started to rain, they quickly got up and Mono covered her with his jacket. "We should get inside, I can pick this up later." He said, grabbing her hand.

Six smiled and followed him back to their house.

Once they were inside they sat down and dozed off...

What seemed like hours later they heard a fast knocking on their door. Mono was the first to wake up, he didn't want to wake up Six so he slowly moved and placed her head on a pillow. He opened the door to see the twins
"Huh?" He said groggily.
"Mono! Six! You guys gotta come see this!"

Six sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes, "what's going on?" She asked as she walked towards the door.

"It's about Shawn!! Hurry!" They ran away

Six and Mono looked at eachother and followed them.
In the "courtyard" they saw Shawn, S.T and a bunch of others all around.

"I didnt mean too!" Shawn cried.

It seems as if this was going on for a while

"How do you NOT mean to kidnap someone?!!" S.T shouted back.

They knew what this was about, Six.

"You don't...have to come down, you can stay here if you want.." Mono said, "No its okay, I'm coming.." She said.

They went down and saw all the commotion going on, Shawn was on his knees at his breaking point.

Everyone was surrounding them, S.T and Shawn and distanced themselves from each other. "How do you "not mean" to kidnap someone?" He shouted. What? Shawn had kidnapped Six? Mono was right all along? Meanwhile Six was broken down, standing before her was the same guy who had kidnapped her, tortured her, kept her there for his own entertainment.

Shawn was pleading, crying at this point. He got up and turned towards Six. They both stared at each other and froze.

Six felt like throwing up, every thing seemed slow, as if time itself had slowed down in that moment, her eyes were fixated on Shawn, everyone else was a blur, everyone's speech, yelling, whispering, or talking normally had been muffled to the point where she couldn't hear. All she could hear was the sound of the rain dropping on the floor, and her own shaky breath. Before she knew it, everything faded
to black, and she felt her body drop on the floor.


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