Chapter four: The Escape

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He stood there and stared at her, his eyes tear a little. Six sat there tied up, she was scared that he might smash her heat open, but happy that he was here. He came back, just like she said he would. It didn't take long before Mono broke his stare and rushed over to Six to untie her. "Mono? You came back!" Six said crying. "Yeah, a-are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" Mono said as he finished uniting her. Six stood up, wobbling, "I mean I scratched my arms a little, and was thrown against the wall but I'm fiiine" Six said rubbing down her jacket. She could just see Mono staring at her out of the corner of her eye, She looked towards the ground, "Mono, why did-" She cut herself off. Without a word, Mono rushed toward Six and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Mono I cant breath" Six said sarcastically, Mono didn't laugh. He only stood there and held on to her, "Mono..?" Six said, she hugged him back, and they just stood there. After a few moments her finally let go, and slid back. "Come on, let's go" His voice said in a breaking whisper, Six could hear the relief in his voice, but was he also...crying? She thought. "I may have, accidentally, alerted the teacher on my way over here." Mono said. "Who?" Six asked, "Right, you haven't met her yet, and trust me, you don't want to. She could be any where, so stay on top of your senses." Mono said looking around cautiously, moments after he said that loud, clunky, footsteps of heels could be heard walking in their direction. "Quick!" Mono whispered, he looked around, there were near by lockers, without think he grabbed Six and shoved them both into the locker, and closed the door quickly behind them. He turned back to Six, who sat on locker floor looking terrified, she looked up at Mono and their eyes met. Mono rushed over from her and guarded her with his body, Looking back to the locker door at the same time. Only the light from the outside shining through the three slits of the locker door. Six could feel her face turning red, she was blushing again, good thing there was barley any light in there. The foot steps of the teacher grew closer and closer, then they stopped, right outside of the locker. Mono moved himself a little closer to Six, his expression growing a look of anger, not like any besides him could tell, The teachers foot steps started again, and faded away. Mono let out a sigh of relief and moved away from Six. "I think the coast is clear, we gotta move now or we'll never get out" Mono whispered while pushing the locker door open. Six felt her cheeks, they were warm, very warm. "Do I have a crush on him?" She thought. "Six! Come on" Mono whispered. Six shot up and hopped out of the locker quickly, Mono started walking towards another elevator. "Mono...Can I ask you something?" Six stopped walking, "Sure what is it?" Mono responded. "Well, a few questions actually..." She quietly said. "Ask away" Mono chuckled, She looked down at the floor, she could feel her face blushing, she found his laugh quite adorable, or attractive. Clearing her throat, she spoke "Why did you come back for me?" She asked. Mono looked at the floor, "Because, I..because I L-" He paused, "Because you're my lovely friend!" He nervously laughed. Six giggled in response, One of the many pluses of having a bag over his head, is that no one could see when he was blushing or not, and right now, he was. "Okay, next question, why did you, y'know..." Six said, "Why did I do? did I do something wrong?" Mono started panicking. "No, no no, you didn't do anything wrong" She laughed, "Why did you, guard me in then locker like that?" Six asked. "Because..because" Mono paused. "Because, BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANNA LOSE YOU AGAIN!" He shouted. Six was shocked, Mono never yelled like that, not counting the time she almost killed him of course. "The last time you were taken from me, I felt helpless I couldn't do anything to save you, while we were in the locker, I had at least some chance of doing so.." He looked to the floor. Six walked up to him, she touched the bag on his head, and slightly moved it up, Mono flinched and looked at her, pulling the bag back down. "Oh! I'm sorry-" Six said backing away, "No, you're fine haha" He said waving his hands.

The small glassy footsteps of the students could be heard behind them, and the ear pericing screech of the teacher behind them. "Oh no" Mono mumbled, he looked back to Six to see her standing in place, staring at the horrible sight infront of her. The small porcelain students were charging for them, and there was the teacher. Six studied her for awhile, her sickly grey skin stretched as her neck came closer to them, her eyebrows grew into an agitated expression, her eyes grew wider, and her smiler grew bigger, as she got closer, her grey teeth opened, the inside of her mouth was a darkened maroon, it looked very dry, but very moist at the same time. Mono grabbed Six's arm and bolted it to an exit, both of their hearts racing. "MONO WHAT IS THAT?" Six yelled, "RUN. JUST, RUN!" They bolted towards a small vent. "GO GO GO" Mono shouted. Mono hopped up and in the vent, Six not far behind. The teacher, wasn't far behind them either.

Her long neck and head stretched through the vent as well. Six and Mono crawled fast through the vent. Mono tired pulled Six through the exit. Mono jumped out and turned towards Six, he tried reaching for her but the teacher got her first. "MONO!" Six yelled.  "YOUR JACKET UNZIP YOUR JACKET" Mono yelled in response, Six quickly unzipped her jacket, causing her to fall and slide down the roof. Six fell into Mono's arms as they tumbled to the ground. Heavy breathing from the both filled the quietness that was there before. "Six...are you okay?" Mono said out  of breath. "I..I don't know" Six responded. Mono got up from the floor and turned to Six. Six was on the floor breathing heavily, he held his hand to her. She turned to Mono and took his hand and got up. "What was that?" Six said terrified. "I know, I know, I'm sorry for putting in the face of danger like that" Mono said. "No, no no, I'm talking the thing that chased us through that damn vent" She paused, "What the fuck was that?" Six said more seriously. "That's uh, that's the teacher, she could stretch her neck to seriously long lengths, and if she catches you, I don't know what'll happen.." Mono said, "Well, there's goes my jacket I guess" Six laughed, Mono laughed as well. Now with Six's oversized jacket gone, she only had a white shirt and white shorts on.

It started to rain,"We should get going, we're almost there, Cmon'" Mono said while walking in another direction. Six shivered while trying to follow Mono. Mono turned back towards Six, he started at her, studied her shivering. "Here" He took off his long brown coat and handed it to Six. She looked up to him, "Are you sure?" Six asked, "Take it" He said smiling. Although Six couldn't see his smile, she smiled back at him and reached for the coat. Fumbling could heard from inside the vent they just came out of, Mono, out of instinct, placed his arm infront of Six, he reached for a pipe and yanked it off. Mono moved infront of Six and she stood behind him terrified. Out came another student, somehow not breaking from the jump, The student turned towards Mono and charged for him, tackling him the ground while laughing. Mono's bag flew off his head in the process of him getting tackled. Mono kicked the student off of himself and grabbed the pipe, The student got off the floor and turned to Mono, that's when Mono smashed his head open, and the porcelain broke into pieces. Six grabbed Mono's bag off the floor, She held it in her hands when she looked up to Mono, who stood with his back facing her. The rain still pouring. Mono stood there with the grey pipe in his hand, staring down at the student breathing heavily once more. The dimly lit yellow tinted street light shined on them. "Mono..?" Six quietly asked. He turned to her, she could see what he looked like now, His skin tone matched hers, brown hair slightly covering his eyes. Bruises all over his face, but they looked old, still new, but no way they came from the student who just attacked him a few moments ago. "Yes?" He asked calmly. "I-uh, Yo-uhm...bag!" Six said, quickly reaching her arms out holding the bag out towards Mono, her head looking at the floor. Mono walked towards Six and grabbed the bag, touching her hands in the process. "Hey, look up at me.." Mono said quietly, Six looked up to Mono, she still had the bag in her hands, and Monos hands were on hers. "You''re blushing.." Mono said while letting out a small laugh. "What a cute laugh" Six said. Mono stopped and looked at her, Six looked at him. "Wait did I, did I say that out loud..?" She asked him, "You did, but if you want, I'll pretend I didn't hear it" He said laughing again. Six started blushing a lot, mostly because of embarrassment. He grabbed the bag from her hands, "Thanks" He smiled at her before putting the bag back over his head. Mono walked over to the students dead body, he grabbed the porcelain remains of the head and walked over to Six, "Mind if I put these in the pocket of the jacket?" He asked, "No, No, Go ahead" Six said. Mono opened the pocket and dumped the pieces inside. Mono walked up to the students body and picked it up. "Come on" Mono said while walking through a small break between two buildings. "Where are we going? and what do we need the student for?" Six asked, "You'll see" Mono said.

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