Shigaraki x Reader (pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"That was hella weird," I said out loud.

Nevertheless, I picked out an outfit for tomorrow, set an alarm, and decided to sleep to get some energy for tomorrow.

*lol time skip to the next morning*

My alarm woke me up and it was blaring. I threw on the clothes I picked out from yesterday, made sure I smelled somewhat decent, and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Making some random food, I sat and ate in silence, enjoying the alone time with myself.

Then I quickly cleaned up and got ready to go to the park.

I vibe to some of my favorite songs as I walk.

I had on a black beanie this time. It covered my very recognizable hair and kept me warm.

I don't know why but whenever I was at the park, I felt cold and got eerie vibes.

Anyway, I arrived early and sat down on the bench that was there.

I was scrolling on my phone and looking at Wattpad fanfics about different celebrities.

After a few minutes, I was going to leave because I was bored.

Why did Shigaraki want to meet up with me alone? It couldn't be because he had the same feeling as I did right? Nah I was dreaming.

I looked around and saw a hooded figure coming towards me.

It was probably nobody.

I went back to searching for Hawks fanfics because he was hot.

It was honestly a hassle searching for good fanfic.

I looked up and suddenly my vision went black.

I woke up in a small room with a gag in my mouth. My eyes were straining to see what was going on with the lack of light.

"I'm so sorry that I had to do this y/n," A voice said in front of me. The person pulled my gag off. 

"Sh-Shiggy?" I said, surprised as my friend and crush stepped out of the darkness.

"I have to do this. I have to overthrow the heroes," He said with tears in his eyes. 

"You know if you had just asked I would have helped you," I scoffed. 

"R-really?" He asked shocked. 

"I am practically an anti-hero supremacist. I hate that they're corrupting the system like this. They're like American police," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I really like you and would help you no matter what."

"You like me y/n? That's impossible," Shiggy said. 

"I'm not stupid. I've known who you were the whole time. League of Villians, am I right?" I said as I felt my hair get warmer. 

My powers were activating and I would soon get my wrists free. 

"Next time, just ask. You probably know where I live. It's a lot more simple than kidnapping me," I sighed as I felt the restraints fall off behind me. 

I stood up and rubbed my wrists which had turned red. 

"And I care about you. Even if you don't think I do," I said as I looked around the small room. "You have my number. Call me. It's very modern." 

"I am deeply frightened about how you just escaped that so easily," He sighed. "And please, call me Tomura Shigaraki."

"I could call you my boyfriend," I smirked as I ran a finger down his jawline flirtatiously. 

"D-don't touch me," Tomura shivered. "I could hurt you. I don't want to lose you too."

"You could never hurt me," I said as I touched his hand.

"No!" He shouted and pulled away from me.

I looked at him. 

"Why'd you shout?" I asked him as I held up my hand. 

"I disintegrate things I touch," He said sadly.

"Oh, well not me I guess," I said as I stepped closer to him yet again. His back was pressed against the wall. 

"Why do you do this?" Tomura asked quietly.

"Do what?" I asked as I teasingly ran my hand down his side. 

"Tease me? I don't know," He said.

"Nobody knows my true quirk. So I clearly use it to my advantage. I think it is seduction or some sort of mind quirk but I'm not actually sure," I shrugged as I saw Tomura try and shrink away.

"Y/n, this isn't what i wanted for us. I truly do like you but you were so important for this mission. I'm sorry," He sounded so genuine so I retreated.

"So, you still gonna take up that boyfriend offer?" I smirked.

"Y/n, this is serious," Tomura groaned.

"Yeah, yeah. I mean it's not the first time I've been kidnapped," I said as I sat down in the chair I was first tied to.

We sat/stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes. I could tell that Shiggy was looking over every aspect of me closely. My orange and blue hair. The red roots showing up from my blue hair. He could see the poorly done dye job that looked so natural from afar. My ripped jeans and black hoodie with my shoes gave a sense of normalcy in my spotlight life. 

Tomura's greyish blue hair was constantly in his eyes as we had a stare down battle. My eyes trailed from his red shoes to his ripped clothing and scratches covering any open skin. His neck looked wrinkled but it was torn and scarred. His face looked dry yet soft. And his eyes looked like they longed for the warm embrace of someone. 

"I'll take up your offer," Tomura stated firmly as he approached me. "I want to be your boyfriend. I want to love you. You seem to know that thought." he said as I give him a smug little smile.

"Obviously," I smirked. "It only took you so long to notice. A year since we met." 

"Since I can't hurt you, I guess I should ask. Can I kiss you?" He asked tentatively.

"Of course," I said as we moved towards each other.

Our lips met and even though his were rough, it was very nice. Short and sweet. A reminder that he was now mine.

The end. (it only took me seven months to make a part two o_o)

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