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Soobin's pov

"What do you mean Jun?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun and to be honest I'm quite curious myself.

"What I mean is that I've also been a caregiver to someone who I grew up with. So when I saw Taehyun like that with the passie in his mouth with his little stuffie. Not having a care in the world about what's going on around him as he watched cartoons. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing" Jun tells us as we listened. He was playing with his fingers and looking down.

"Who was it?" I asked and he looked at me

"Someone from back home before I moved and I never wanted to leave him you guys don't know him" he says

"Awh Jun it's okay" Kai says pulling him onto his lap.

"No it isn't because I promised Chaenyle that I'd always be with him and then I found out I was moving. I told him about it and he swore that it was okay and I knew it wasn't it wasn't fair" Jun looked like he was about to burst into tears

"Did you love him?" Beomgyu asked him

"Of course I did" Jun said as he broke into tears covering his face with his hands.

"Yeonjun you didn't just love him you were in love with him weren't you?" Beomgyu asked him

"It was one sided or at least I liked to think that it wasn't and then I met Soobin and Huening a month later after the move and I don't know I was drawn to them" Yeonjun says looking between Kai and myself.

"Well we love you and we're not going anywhere Junnie alright and we're sorry you had to endure that pain" I say grabbing his hand in mine.

"Beommie!" We hear from down the hall Beomgyu rose to his feet and headed towards Taehyun.

Beomgyu's pov

"Hello my handsome boy what's the matter?" I ask Taehyunnie as I lift him from his crib.

"Ish pewple here appa?" He asked me as I sat him on his feet

"Actually baby there are and it's your uncle's" I tell him as he looked at me

"Unkie's 'ere! NIng Ning, Junnie and Binnie!" He asked me excitedly

"That's right baby that's them you want to see them?" I ask him as he smiled at me

"Yeah pwease appa I wans to see dem pweeeeaaasee" he's so cute

"Alright little one come on let's go see your uncles" I say as he bounced on his toes all the way into the living room.

"Ahhh ish Binnie Bunny!" Taehyunnie squealed and giggled as he made it towards them.

"Does he have punishments and rules?" Yeonjun asks me

"Yeah he does but he's well behaved and very quiet but since the three of you are here he's very excited to see you" I tell him as Taehyunnie was playing with Soobin's face.

"He's so cute oh my gosh" Kai says

"Ning Ning!" Hyun said as he hopped on his lap and showed him Rejun

"Dis ish Rejun and she is my bestfwend she keeps the 'onsters away and appa does too" he tells Hyuka in a hushed tone

"Do they now? Well that's good but can they save you from the tickle monster!" Kai said as he started tickling Taehyun and making him laugh

"'Ommie da 'onsters got meee-eee" he said through his giggling fit.

I looked over at Junnie and the look on his face was telling me that he really missed having a little around.

"Hey Tae Tae baby you didn't say hi to your uncle Junnie" I say as he looked at me.

"Uncle Junnie" Tae sat up and looked at Yeonjun

"Hey there little one" Yeonjun said as Tae got up and walked over to him

"Hi uncle Junnie how's come yew luuk sad?" Taehyun asked him

"Oh sweetie I'm not sad I promise I'm just happy to see you hey can you answer a question for me?" Jun asked him


"How old are you sweetheart?" He asked

"I ish six so dis menny" Taehyun said holding up five fingers on one hand and one on the other.

"Wow you're so big and handsome" Yeo says as he smiled at Taehyunnie

"Unky Junnie cans we cuddle?" Hyun asked him and Jun looked at me I nodded him a yes.

"Of course we can honey" Jun said as Tae pulled him to the couch and sat in his lap.

I hope that when I talk to him about this he doesn't get too upset with me for letting them see him like this. I love him so much and want nothing more than to see him happy. I took out my phone and aimed it at them. I took a few pictures and just scrolled through my phone.

"Appa cans yew sit wif us?" I hear my little ask me

"Of course baby" I say sitting next to them

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