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Yeonjun's pov

"Hey Jun!" I hear my name as I came around the corner of Soobin's house.

"Hey Binnie what's up?" I ask him as he pecked my lips and we sat down on the steps

"I was sitting here and I was wanting to ask you if you've noticed anything different lately about Beomgyu and Taehyun?" Bin asks me

"No not that I've noticed to me they just seem the same why baby are you worried about them?" I ask him as he looks down at his lap

"Yeah I am and I just hope they aren't getting into any trouble or are already in it" he says facing me

"Awe babe no frowning where's Hyuka?" I asked I didn't see him when I arrived

"Oh he's at Taehyun's helping him with their homework and Beomgyu had a family thing" he tells me as he still looked upset

"Awe my sweet baby everything will be alright I'm sure of it and if they're not I hope that they would both come to us because we're their friends" I tell him while we sat on the steps. I saw the sun setting with its orange and pink hue covering the sky making it so beautiful.

"I love you Yeonjun"

I looked down at Soobin and ran my fingers through his hair

"I love you too Soobin" I say smiling I pecked his lips. In which he decided to peck back by keeping it going. Which I didn't mind. As our lips moved in sync I felt Soobin nibble on my lip and I pulled away because I needed to breathe.

I looked down running my fingers through my pink hair and Kai came to my mind and it's different when the three of us aren't together when it comes to things like this.

"Hey Jun look at me what's wrong?" I hear Soobin ask me

"Huh? Oh it's nothing I uhm" I stammer to get my words out but I can't.

"Junnie sweetheart you know you can talk to me"

"I miss Kai" I say quietly and I just felt arms around me. The feeling just made me want to cry.

"Junnie it's alright I miss him too don't cry he's just at Tae's what happened?" I hear Soobin

"It just feels different without him here when we have moments like this it makes me feel like I'm hurting him Soobin and I don't like that feeling. It's getting late I have to get home before my parents have my ass I love you" I tell him giving him a chaste kiss and sprinting down the street.

I heard him yell I love you too and I smiled small. I wasn't that far from Soobins I turned back around to still see him outside. I ran up to him and jumped.

"I thought you had to get home?" He asked once he saw me wrapped around him.

"I do I just feel bad about the way I left and we can talk about it tomorrow if that's okay?" I ask him

"Yeah that's fine now get home before you get in trouble because of me and we're talking about this with Hyuka there as well now get home handsome we'll all see you tomorrow." He says showing me his dimples and pecking my lips. I smiled and hopped down.

"Okay okay I'm going goodnight Binnie"

"Goodnight Junnie"

"Awh I missed all the fun no fair" we turned our heads to see Kai.

"You didn't really miss anything Kai I promise" Soobin says

"Oh trust me I know I missed a lot because I'm close with both of you and I know that Junnie was upset earlier I could feel it in my gut. So I told Tae about it and he said we could finish the last page tomorrow in home room. Oh and I know I missed a steamy make out session between the two of you" he says wrapping his arms around my smaller figure.

I looked down and played with the end of the sleeve of his jacket.

"Hey it's okay that I wasn't here listen to me Junnie I know you want me here for all the moments we have together but sometimes I can't and it's okay" Hyuka tells me.

"It just makes me feel like I've hurt you if you aren't here to share it with us that's all" I say

"Oh baby it's okay look at me I love that you're so considerate in the way I feel and that's one of the things I love most about you Jun, but I love it more when I get to see the two of you smiling alongside Tae and Beomgyu alright babe so no frowning" he says as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and he squeezed me causing me to laugh.

"Alright alright you two get home we have school in the morning. I love you" Soobin says pecking our lips and hugging us.

"We love you too Bin" Kai says

Yes Or Yes (TXT AU) TaeGyuWhere stories live. Discover now