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Taehyun's pov

Can this day get any worse? It was fine when I ran into Beomgyu then having to run into a few girls and boys who can't seem to take a hint that I'm happily taken. It's stressing me out and it's overwhelming me to the point where I might regress here in the middle of lunch. I don't want my friends finding out may it be wether we're close or not. Can't have the entire school finding out either.

As I sit next to Gyu I'm trying my best to not regress and as always he notices the littlest things that I manage to do.

"Hey TaeTae you alright?" He asked me

"Mhmm yes I'm fine" 'you're not fine Taehyun what is the matter with you just tell him' I thought to myself

"He looked into my eyes and I just knew he knew. He grabbed my hand telling our friends we'd see them later. Beomgyu walked us out of the canteen and into the restroom.

"Alright you wanna tell me why little Taehyunnie is trying to come out hm?" Gyu asks me

"I- I'm stressing because...Beomgyu there is this group of guys and girls who keep trying to persuade me to leave you and which I haven't because I love you and I'm happy. They just won't take a hint and it's just..." I trail off feeling small with tears filling the rims of my eyes

"Awe Taehyunnie baby come here"' he says as he pulled me into a hug. Yes I have trigger words and surprisingly my nick name is not one of them.

"I don't want anyone knowing about little Taehyunnie except for you because I trust you. I'm no saying that I don't trust our friends because I do it's just they'd make a big deal out of me wanting to regress" I tell him as he looked at me

"I know Taehyun and how about after school when we get all of our homework done you can have all the fun you want how's that sound baby?" Beom asks me

"You're alright with watching and taking care of little Taehyunnie on our anniversary? Beomgyu I can't do that to you" I say playing with the ring on my finger

"Of course I'm alright with it I love both of you so much I've been doing this for two years and if this is what you need then so be it Taehyun I don't want you ending up getting hurt because your not allowing yourself to be who you are alright" I swear what did I do to deserve him not even five years ago did we meet but he changed and saved my life completely.

"Alright that's fine with me can we go back now?" I ask him when I realized he was eyeing me up and down. I felt my face heat up

"Yeah we can come on" he says as we get ready to leave the restroom and head back to the canteen before the bell rings for our last four hours of school.

After School

Third person pov (first time in third person)

"Ahh noo" Taehyun giggled

"Awh I got you my little one oh look at Appa's handsome boy who's appa's handsome boy?" Beomgyu asked the little as he placed soft kisses all over the littles face

"I ish appa!" The little responded as he looked up at his appa lovingly

"Yes you are baby and what does appa's little one want to do now?" The loving caregiver asked as he sat on the carpeted floor with his favorite person

"I wan to eat nuggies with appie juice and watch mewbie with appa" the blonde little replied as he held his stuffie close to himself

"Alright baby we can do that" Beomgyu said to the little as he lifted him from the floor and made their way into the kitchen.

"Appa how's come big Taehyun no wants his fwends to see me?" The little asked as he sat in his chair waiting patiently for his appa to finish making his food.

The older walked over to the little and knelt down to him "Well you see baby Taehyun doesn't want little Taehyunnie to get hurt and if little Taehyunnie gets hurt appa and big Taehyun would be sad and we don't want that do we baby?" The caregiver asking the younger

"No" the little simply replied and looked up at his loving caregiver

"Good here's your food and juice baby" Beomgyu says as he sat his plate on the table along with the sippie that's full of apple juice. Beomgyu lifted the little into his lap as he ate his chicken nuggets and kept to himself.

"Tank you appa" the little simply said while slowly chewing his chicken nuggets

"Your welcome baby"

Taehyun quietly enjoyed his meal as he sat securely on his appa's lap and when he was finished he wiped his face and looked at his handsome caregiver.

"All done baby?" The older asked receiving a head nod from the little

"Mhmm cans we watch a mewbie now appa?" The little asked turning to face his appa

"Of course we can sweetheart now why doesn't appa's good little boy go pick out a movie for us to watch while I clean up" he asked as the little said "okay" kissing his cheek and walking into the living room to pick a movie for him and his appa to watch.

In the midst of this happening Taehyun's headspace had slipped and he looked from the kitchen and back to the movies.

Yes Or Yes (TXT AU) TaeGyuWhere stories live. Discover now