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Third Person pov

As time flew by for Beomgyu and Taehyunnie they sat in the living room watching cartoons. When there was a knock on the door. Beomgyu wasn't aware of the time and he checked his phone.

"Aish! It's 1:45 we were supposed to meet them at 1:30" he said as he saw that Taehyun was glued to the tv with Rejun in his hands and passie in his mouth softly bobbing.

The knocking continued at the door Beomgyu made sure that Taehyun was alright before going to answer. When he opened the door he was immediately being yelled at by Yeonjun.

"Do you know what time it is!? Beomgyu you and Taehyun were supposed to meet us at 1pm at the pet cafe what have you two even been doing?" Yeonjun asked walking inside.

"Yeonjun you just can't walk inside he didn't let you in!" Soobin yells after him

"What the hell is all of this!" They all hear the pink haired male yell from the living room.

At that moment Beomgyu knew he messed up he ran back to the living room and saw Yeonjun staring mouth agape at Taehyun sucking on a passie.

Taehyun looked up to see his appa and made grabby hands towards him and as he wanted Beomgyu lifted him and placed him on his hip.

"You want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu as Soobin and Huening Kai walked into the living room.

"Awe he looks so cute look at Taehyunnie!" Kai squealed as he walked over to Taehyun and Beomgyu.

Of course Taehyun being the one year old that he is and not caring he smiled at Kai from behind his passie.

"It's not my place to tell you what this is and quite frankly I'm not happy about any of you finding out either." Beomgyu said frustrated as he took little Taehyunnie to the kitchen so that he could make him a bottle.

Taehyunnie could visibly see how upset his appa was and grabbed his face giving him wet kisses trying to make him feel better. Beomgyu smiled at him and kissed his cheeks making the little giggle and clap his hands.

Once Beomgyu had finished making the bottle he sat at the table and pulled the passie out of Taehyunnie's mouth. He tilted him back and fed him the bottle.

"So you're really not going to tell us what's going right now?" Yeonjun asked frustrated.

"It's not my place to tell any of you Junnie it's Taehyun's and he didn't want any of you finding out about this I don't know what's gonna happen when I tell him that you all did" he said looking back down at Taehyun who was staring up at him.

"I know what's going on and I'm alright with it I think it's cute and now I understand why he was acting the way he was in English the other day" Kai says sitting down next to Beomgyu grabbing Little Taehyunnie's hand. Taehyun wrapped his hand around Kai's pinky finger making him smile.

"He's a little and right now he's in baby space he must be really stressed." Kai said as he ran his fingers through Taehyunnie's hair.

"Oooh ooh does he have names for us?" Soobin asked sitting next to Kai

"He actually does he calls all of you Uncle Soobinnie,Uncle Ning Ning and Uncoe Junnie and he always wants to see you, but whenever we all had to hang out he'd most likely be in little space" Beomgyu answered Soobin as he noticed Taehyun had fallen asleep. He stood up carefully grabbing his keys and unlocking the door to Taehyunnie's play room and heading inside. He laid him in his crib and placed Rejun in his hands. Beomgyu kissed the top of his head and left the room.

"So how long have you two been keeping this secret?" Kai asked Beomgyu as they headed into the living room to sit down.

"For Taehyun a long time I've only been his caregiver for two years and something must've set him off this morning to cause him to slip into baby space. I just don't want him getting hurt for something that brings him security you know" Beomgyu says placing his hand in his hair as he thought about his handsome boy ever getting hurt.

"Well I won't say anything I think it's cute and if it's something that makes him feel safe then that's a good thing I mean who are we to judge him" Kai said as Beomgyu looked at him

"Thanks Kai that means a lot"

"I won't say anything either I'm glad that the two of you can do something like this and I'm glad that he feels safe and I think it's cute too" Soobin says as Beomgyu gave him a soft nod with a small smile. The three younger ones turned to face the oldest waiting for his opinion on the discussion at hand and to be quite honest Yeonjun didn't know what to say. He's in shock and he could relate to Taehyun and Beomgyu's situation on a personal level.

"I won't say anything either I promise I can actually relate to this on a personal level" is all Yeonjun said as they just looked at him surprised.

"What do you mean Jun?" Beomgyu asked the older

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