Chapter 9: Golden Clasps and Taps.

Start from the beginning

Taehyung felt the younger's hair against his back and smiled as he turned around to face the other. With his hair rinsed of the shampoo, he took a bit more into his left hand while his right made sure that Jeongguk's hair was wet. He placed the hand that had the shampoo in it onto his other hand before rubbing them together and then massaging it into the warlock's hair. 

"Stay still for me, you can lean on me if you want to, but just stay still, this stuff will hurt your eyes if it gets into them," Taehyung warned softly as he ran his fingers through the blue-toned males hair. 

Jeongguk lent his forehead against the prince's chest as he felt the other's hands gently run through his hair. He hasn't had this type of treatment from someone in a long time. It felt nice, relaxing and it felt like he was in the arms of someone who loved him. He closed his eyes and sighed, he couldn't give into his desires. Those hopeless desires that might not even become true. Yet he couldn't stop his heart from yearning what it wanted most. 

"Stand under the shower and tip your head back, Gguk" Taehyung pulled him under the warm shower water more and taped under his chin to get him to tip his head back. 

"Good" Taehyung smiled as he ran his fingers through the warlock's hair and washed out the shampoo.  

"Alright, just going to put the conditioner in and then wash your body-" 

"I can wash my own-" Jeongguk replied with light red dust flaring up in his ears and cheeks. 

"I know, I'll do my own too," Taehyung chuckled as he watched the younger males reaction. 

Jeongguk nodded as he felt flustered from the way he reacted to the prince. Taehyung smiled at the other before grabbing the conditioner-like substance and rubbing it between his hands before running it in his red hair and then adding a bit more to his hands and running it in the warlock's hair. Jeongguk could only watch the olders expression as the prince moved his hands around his blue-toned hair. 

"You look very calm doing this hyung.." Jeongguk soft admitted as he felt the olders hands stop at the sides of his head. 

Taehyung looked into the younger's eyes as Jeongguk did the same. The soft browns met and stayed locked in a gaze that was of pure softness. Taehyung moved one of his hands from the top side of the warlock's head to cup his cheek. Eyes ever so shifting from one eye to the other. The sound of the shower falling around the both and the steam increased the atmosphere around them. Taehyung felt a pull to the younger and as he was slowly leaning towards the younger, getting fairly close to his soft pink lips, eyes fluttering closed ever so softly. 

"Taehyung! Are you done yet!" A voice from the other side of the bathroom door shouted, making the two males almost jump out of their skin and a small shriek fall from the younger's lips, to only be stopped by the prince's hand over his mouth. 

Taehyung placed an index finger over his own lips to tell the younger male to be quiet. The younger nodded, his eyes wide with fear. 

"Yes, I'm nearly done! I'll be out soon!" He shouted back as a reply. 

"Good! Your father would like to speak to you about some new arrivals!" Then the voice disappeared. 

"That was close.." Taehyung sighed as he took his hand away from the younger's mouth. Jeongguk looked at the prince in shock. They were about to kiss. How is he meant to react to that? 

"Come on, we need to finish up" Taehyung smiled as he rinsed the conditioner out of his red hair.

Jeongguk blinked softly. He figured out how he should act. Like it didn't happen. Like how the prince was acting. Just as they were before the interruption happened. Just prince and servant. Nothing more. The warlock felt his heartache a little, but chose to ignore it for the sake of, well, everything. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now