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It had been days without seeing Violet, or even hearing from her. I think this time I genuinely fucked up, but what was I going to do without her? I needed her to be under my power again. But who was I going to tell? Love is wrong. Isn't it?

"Emanuel, put out a search for Violet Allegra."

"Why? You love her?" He laughed and took a sip of his beer. I hated others drinking on my fucking couch. 

"No questions, just get it done okay?"

"Can I slit her throat?" 

"If she deserves it." 

My heart broke saying those words. Wasn't she meant to be my girl? I was meant to be her protector and I fucking failed.

It was pathetic of me to claim I missed her, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.

"Bro, you okay? You look sad for once." He spoke.

"I just need to be alone." The palm of my hand met my forehead and thunder crashed outside.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go please. I'll call you tomorrow. Cya."

I believe he carried his muddy footprints out with him too but he also forgot his pack of cigarettes. A clock began ticking in my head, secretly it was always there, it'd just get covered up by emotions.


"Quick we should get inside." Ross covered me up with his jacket ushering me under quick shelter.

I laughed happily and wrapped my arms around him, looking up at that gorgeous sight.

"More coffee?" He handed me his warm cup and I snuggled him closely taking a sip.

"It burns my tongue." I shivered.

His kiss warmed me up though, his kiss and his touch was like a fire in my heart. But was it him who started the fire, or Ax? Why was I still dreaming of Ax? It'd been like 3 days, and I'm with my one time hookup yet Ax, Ax, Ax, stupid fucking Ax had power over me still.

"Amore you okay?" 

Amore. Amore. That's what Ax always called me. 

"I'm fine, but I think I need to do something." I handed Ross his coffee back and let him standing alone in the rain confused. I shouldn't have dragged him into my problems, I shouldn't have. But my problems were killing me.


Arriving at Ax's house after a few days was shocking. The rain drenched my hair and face to the point where I could barely see and rain would carefully ease off my face in perfect drops. My black raincoat and black dress was drenched too but the sight of Ax's house kept me on my feet.

"Violet?" His front door swung open. Holy fuck had I missed him. A smile largely grew on my face as I saw the beautiful man dressed in a black suit and brown hair but eyes blurred attempting to see me correctly, a few steps away from me. 

"Hey." I called out in amusement. 

The stones beneath my feet crunched as I walked across them and I came to a stop at the end of Ax's wooden porch where he began walking towards me. I felt like a star in a movie when he stood infront of me and stared deeply into my eyes. It began raining heavier and the hail bounced off our cold body but suddenly Ax grabbed me, pulling me close to him drying the rain from my face and without hesitation he pressed his lips on mine and his arm was around my waist while mine was around his. Ax pulled away and looked at me, our foreheads pressed together and he continued to caress my face. 

"I love you Violet."

"I love you too." 

"I'm so sorry for everything." He apologised.

"Don't be."

"We're gonna be okay alright? I promise we'll figure this out together Violet."

The world is a horrible place but Ax was my light, and helped me see how not horrible the world can be sometimes. He was my home, the title of my book and the one who started the fire in my heart. I guess poisoned lust does come with anger and hatred, but for me it came with love most importantly. 


I'd say I've spent most my life not knowing much about anything, but the second I met Violet I knew everything, because she's everything. Our love overshadowed the hatred we once felt for each other, the way we were more wrong then we were right changed. 

Our story must definitely end here, but in another lifetime I'd be sure to find her again, through anger and hatred I'd do it all again. I love her and I was done hiding it.


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