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I turned the shower water all the way to the hot side and the warm water splashed onto my smooth pale skin. My brunette hair was sunk deep into the water and I scrubbed and cleaned myself slowly. I lathered my body in vanilla soap.

I dressed myself in my black high heels and dark black jeans and to top it off, a red long sleeve turtleneck. Gently, I gathered my hair in a ponytail which I soon abandoned as I preferred it down. Faint eyeshadow coated my eyes and eyeliner too. I finished my look with some mascara and fake lashes. Sometimes I hated how I looked but right now I loved it. My keys, purse and phone were in my left hand and now I was walking to my car.

The drive was long and boring and god knows how I remembered his address but I just did. It took me about 20 minutes before I was presented by the massive house, the front containing large windows and black paint and a lovely wooden porch with beautiful lights. How could I forgot Ax's house. I crawled out of my car slamming the door shut and I approached the big metal door. I stood for a few seconds before knocking and sure enough Ax answered with a loud and obvious sigh and pure silence. God the anger I fucking felt whenever I looked at this man.

"Why have you been fucking texting me so much?" I needed to definitely hold back on the anger.

"I'd have to be interested in you for that." That voice of domination and anger replied. He towered over me with his tall features and grey eyes.

"How do you know Carson?" I questioned. My voice was about to start trembling and shaking with fear.

"What're you talking about?" I didn't know how he could speak so emotionless.

"Cut the bullshit Alex." Oh fuck. What had I done. He looked me dead in my eyes as fear took control of my worthless body. Fuck.

"What did you fucking call me?"

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Then tell me how I magically know Carson." He ordered. I was shaking. I hated Ax so much but I was terrified of him.

"I- I got a text and it- it was like saying that he used me and you knew about it."

"Why are you struggling to speak to me Violet?" No. Don't say my fucking name like that.

"Just tell me how you know him please."

"No. You don't need to know shit from me. Goodbye Violet." His hand clasped the door and he began to shut it but I let myself inside anyways.

"Please, please tell me" I knew he wouldn't and I didn't know what I was doing.

"Get out Violet. I'm not telling you anything. I don't give a fuck and neither should you." His powerful hands shoved me outside and the door slammed in my face. Wow.

I didn't know if I should call Carson but I did it anyways. I also didn't know why he answered, especially after yesterday.

"I hate how I care so much about you to still answer whenever you call me." His soft voice sounded.

"Please meet me at the coffee shop in 5, it's important."

"I'll be there Vi, trust me."

The call ended rapidly and I piled into my car and drove to see Carson.

Once I got there, he was wearing baggy grey tracksuit pants and a black 'Nirvana' tee. His blonde hair was all over the place but he looked cute, as always. I didn't like how he still looked cute, how his voice still had an effect on me and lord I kissed him the other night too. It was like I knew everything about him and it felt normal. I guess I still did know everything about him, because I was his best friend.

"Two latte's please."

As I got inside the shop he already ordered. He knew me like I knew him.

"Hey Vi"

"Carson." I nodded.

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday I really should've given you space"

"It's whatever."

We collected our drinks and he kindly payed for mine before we walked to a couch and sat down. He asked me what was so important and I took a sip of my burning hot latte before I said anything.

"I went to see Ax."

His eyes widened. If he was mad at me I wasn't scared. He wasn't strong and dominating like Ax. He was protective and caring but in a sweet way. The sex was passionate and loving, not hard, rough, painful. They were different but it was okay I mean why was I even comparing the two?

"You what?" He asked.

I explained everything I had to. From the text to Ax.

"I was never using you Violet. He's a manipulative cunt. Why the fuck would you trust the man who nearly killed you over me?"

He was right. He was so right and now I felt like the most horrible person ever but who was I meant to believe?

"I'm sorry, bye." He stood up and retrieved his drink and left me sitting in the coffee shop alone in silence. God damn it..  

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑶𝒇 𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒖𝒔𝒕Where stories live. Discover now