My Sister|| .012

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           The curly haired woman was on the ground drenched in dried blood from her lower half. "She's alive?" Ava immediately asked the question even though the answer was right in front of her. Monica looked afraid almost, looking at Ava as if she was begging for her life.
          "The bullet is stuck in her thigh." Ava knew exactly why he brought her there. She needed to try and get the bullet out of her thigh or it'd cause an infection and eventually kill her.
       "Do you have a medic kit?" Ava asked as she knelt down beside of the pale woman. Denver leaned down next to the both of them, his eyes running along his victim. She looked like she was in a hell of a lot of pain. Her skin was pale, she was covered in blood all over, but at least she wasn't dead. Denver wasn't a murderer. "Who else knows about this?" Denver handed over the medical kit and the scalpel that he stole from the surgeons that were inside. Ava carefully examined her leg, her eyes finding the bullet almost immediately. It wasn't too deep, but it was already causing an infection. They couldn't let it get any worse than it was already.
         "My father." Denver said. "I had to show him that she was alive." He was afraid that he was literally going to die from the panic and disappointment if he didn't know that Denver didn't kill someone. "That's all. So you can't say anything to anyone." He was practically begging her. He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Especially Berlin."
          "I'm not going to say anything." Ava told him. She met his eyes for a second and then cleaned her hands with the alcohol wipes in the medic kit. She started on working to remove the bullet, glancing up every now and then to check how Monica was doing. She was being quiet so they wouldn't attract any unnecessary attention to the safe. The bullet was removed in less than twenty minutes thankfully because she knew she had to get back to watching the hostages. She stood up from the ground after wrapping Monica up well, and walked towards the safe door. She motioned for Denver to follow her. Denver stepped over to her, cleaning up his hands the best he could as well. "When's the last time you rested?" Ava asked, sincerely worried about him. The heist was messing with everyone and they still had days to go. The longer they stayed the more money they'd have.
        "Yesterday." Denver shrugged his shoulders, not admitting to only getting a few hours at best. He was exhausted, but who wasn't at this point? "I'm fine. I'll be fine." He rephrased it.
        "Just try to rest now. I'll cover for you." Ava cared for Denver. She cared about all of the group members, but Denver was almost innocent seeming in her eyes. He had a short temper, but with women it seemed that all of his anger disappeared. It was probably his complicated relationship with his own mother, but it made him a good man. It made him a man that deserved to be protected. Denver finally nodded, agreeing and allowing her to cover for him. Ava snuck out of the safe, shutting the door back slowly so it didn't make any loud noises. Just as she was rounding the corner she saw Moscow heading that direction. They shared a knowing smile with each other.


               It was late. It was a little past one in the morning, and Ava was just now leaving Andres' hotel to sneak back to her own house. She opened the back door slowly, creeping into her house barefoot to make as little noise as possible. The lights were off so it seemed everyone was fast asleep, but just as she rounded the corner to head up the stairs to get to her bedroom, her mother spoke up, "Ava!" Her voice was loud and demanding as she hollered her name from the living area. Ava closed her eyes tightly, finally dropping her shoes to the ground. She'd been sneaking out the last few months to be with Andres, but her parents had just noticed tonight. She was caught. Ava turned on her heel, making her way into the living room. She immediately frowned upon seeing her mother's worried eyes and then her father's. Her father just sat in the chair, staring at her like he lost his little girl. "Where have you been?" Her mother snapped the words as she asked them.

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