18. Rescue and New Additions

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Izuku's POV
It's been a year since we met Principal Nezu. He hasn't asked us to do anything for him yet, but me and Kat still visit him with the twins. We trust Nezu and consider him our Uncle.
Kat and I already moved into our house and got all the rooms situated. I'm thankful that the angels and demons got us such a big house. The house is on par with the Midoriya's.

The twins already started calling Kat and I Dad and Papa. The can already walk and form small phrases. They seem like they might end up with an IQ a little lower than Nezu's.

Right now Kat and I are on a big mission. This is our biggest one yet. There has been 3 child kidnappings. All three of the children have abusive homes, so their parents don't really care what happens to them.

Kat and I are already outside the villains hideout. "Kat are you ready?" I asked him. He responded with a nod. "Let's go" I said. Kat and I break down the door. Once we got in there we released our hellhounds and used "Shadow link" (the ability to travel through and control all shadows). 

These new powers make vigilantism, so much easier. The fight with the criminals was anti climatic. Any time we release our hellhounds, everyone turn tails and runs. It's kind of boring, but hey it's our job easier.

I see the hellhounds capture the 3 men that tried to escape. "I think is dumb they tried to run away from our furry companions" Kat said while laughing. " I also think it's dumb, but let's free these kids out their cages and take them home." I told him.

At home
3rd Person POV
"Thank you misters for saving us!" all 3 kids said happily. "What are your names?" Izuku asked softly before giving them a smile. "My name is Hikari" the boy with black hair and yellow eyes said. "My name is Yui." the girl with brown hair and purple eyes said. "My name is Akio." the boys with white hair and ocean blue eyes said.

"Kids I know I shouldn't bring this up so soon, but do you want to live with us or do you want to go to an orphanage." Katsuki asked softly
"I want to stay with you" Hikari said. The other 2 children nodded in agreement. "I guess we'll be your new parents." Katsuki said

"Can you tell us about yourselves?" Akio asked. "My name is Izuku Midoriya and his name is Katsuki Midoriya. Me and Kat are married. We didn't have the perfect life but a family adopted us recently. You can consider them your grandparents I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Also Kat and I have 2 kids a girl named Akame and a boy named Katzu. You will be their older siblings." Izuku said

"Can we meet our new grandparents" Akio asked. "Sure, they are already on their way." Katsuki said

"What do we call you guys?" Yui asked. You can call us whatever you want." Izuku responded with a smile. "I'm going to call Katsuki Papa and Izuku Dad." Yui said happily and the other 2 nodded in agreement. "Well that's good because your younger siblings also call us that." Katsuki said

"How old you guys?" Izuku asked "We are 3 years old." Hikari said while holding up 3 fingers.

"Izu! Kat! Where are you?" Akane yells from the front door. "Mom we're in the living room" Katsuki responded. Akane walked in the living room and squealed once she saw the 3 children in the living room. Hisashi walked in behind her with 3 kids. Izuku introduced the children to both Akane and Hisashi. The children already took a liking to their grandparents.

"Kids we just want to let you know, you can ask us for anything. We will treat you with all the love in our hearts and make sure that you will have good life. Also your grandfather brought adoption papers to show that we are officially your parents and your care givers." Izuku said happily. "Does that mean we all have Midoriya as our last name?" Yui asks with a confused look. "That's only if you want to have Midoriya as your last name." Katsuki said and gave them a smile. " I want to be a Midoriya!" Akio exclaims and the other 2 shout with him in unison. Izuku, Akane, Katsuki, and Hisashi laugh at the scene in front of them. "Okay I guess you guys are officially Midoriya's." Hisashi says happily. "Well let's introduce you to your uncle and your 2 younger siblings." Akane says happily

"So these 2 are your younger siblings and this one is your uncles" Hisashi said while pointing at the children. "How can someone younger than us be our uncle?" Yui asks. "Well since he's your dad brother, that makes him your uncle." Akane explains. "Oh i think that makes sense." Yui said.

"Hey kids we have to talk to you about something important." Izuku said while looking at the 5 children. "Well in 10 months Papa and I have to go back to school. That means we won't be here with you guys all day. During the time we are at school you will be staying with your grandparents." Izuku explained to them. " Okay Dad we'll behave when you're gone." Yui said with a smile. "Aww Izu and I love all 5 of you so much." Kat says before pulling them in to a family hug. Hisashi, Akane, and Kyo also join the group hug. They pull away before Izuku starts to talk again.

"Also since you guys are around that age. Do you want to be homeschooled or go to an actual school?" Izuku asks. "I think we should go to an actual school, so we can make friends." Akio says happily. "Yah I want to make some friends!" Hikari exclaims. "Ok that's fine by us. If anyone starts bullying you, you better tell. Understood?" Kat said sternly. "Yes Papa." All 3 children said. Izuku and Katsuki look at eachother before smiling. They never thought they would be this happy.

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