9. The Midoriya's Part 2

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3rd POV
The three people walk into a giant mansion. Hisashi gave both boys a tour of the house. The boys were excited after seeing the training rooms. They knew this family could help them improve drastically. At one point Katsuki wanted to ask if he could move in, he knew that his parents would let him, but he didn't want to intrude on the family too much especially since he has trust issues. Izuku just had thoughts about all the weapons he can learn to use and the different type of combat. Hisashi looks at the boys and smiles once he sees the boys are happy with this place. In truth, after hearing Katsuki and Izuku's back story. He decided that he wanted to be a father figure for them. He think also think Akane would want to be their mother figure. He just wants these boys to experience happiness on their hero journey. Hisashi tells the boys to follow him to his wife. After walking in they see the prettiest women they've ever seen.

"Hi I'm Akane. I'm guessing you two are the boys that my husband is interested in"the women says

"Hi Mrs. Midoriya" both boys say

"Can I call you guys Izu and Suki? And please call me Akane. Mrs.Midoriya makes me sound old." she internally squeals from their cuteness

"Sure you can calls us whatever you want" both boys say while smiling

"Boys you should explain your life story to Akane, so she gets to know you better" Hisashi says

"Ok Hisashi"

Izuku and Katsuki both start explaing what they do and what they go through during their daily lives. You can tell that Akane had a bunch of sadness in her tear filled eyes.

"I'm sorry that you two boys have to go through that. You guys can call us or come over anytime you want. I know you guys probably don't trust us yet, but we'll treat you like family" says Akane with tears running down her cheek

"Thank you Akane. That really means a lot" both boys say while crying

"Well I guess it's time to explain why we offered to train you guys. You see me and Akane are retired vigilantes. During the day we are owners of the biggest cooperation in the world called Midoriya Corp. In the night we are vigilantes. Since we are retiring the city needs two people to watch over it. I say you guys training hard on the beach, so I decided that I wanted to train you two. Also it's perfectly fine to say no." Hisashi explains

Katsuki was internally screaming, while Izuku was shocked that they were granted such an opportunity. He can't believe that Kat's idea to talk to the man would actually be so beneficial to them.

"Hisashi we accept your offer for you to train us and become vigilantes" Katsuki says

"That's great!" Akane says

" What can you guys teach us?" Izuku ask

"Well since you guys are quirkless we will train you in all non quirk things we know. That includes guns, knives, capture weapon, bo staff, katana, and all types of martial arts. Since you guys are trying to learn higher academics. Hisashi and I can help you with your academics and we can teach you multiple languages such as Spanish, English, French, and German. And we can teach you how to hack and build makeshift computers." Akane explains

" THANK YOU AKANE! THANK YOU HISASHI!" both boys tell by bowing with tears flowing out of their eyes

Hisashi looks at Akane confused before asking "Why are you two boys thanking us?"

"We just really want to be hero's and help people, but everyone treats us like trash and they don't have faith in us. You guys are the first people to actually give us a chance and you guys are willing to help us with academics." Kat says

"You guys also run the biggest corporation in the world, but even though you guys are busy. You guys still decided to teach us even though you don't have to." Izuku adds

"Before you say anything else me and Izu have to tell you something" Katsuki says

"What is it?" Hisashi asks

"Well me and Izu are dating, so if that's a problem please drop us off at the beach" Katsuki says

Hisashi and Akane look at eachother and then the boys. They give the boys a bright smile and they open they're arms offering a hug. The boys are surprised for a moment but accept the hug and let out all their pent up emotions ever since they were pronounced quirkless. The tears represented the pain and the fear living quirkless in this society. They both cry for around 15 minutes until they fell asleep. Akane and Hisashi are happy that the boys trust them. They think that they'll make excellent hero's.

                                                               Timeskip to when the boys wake up

Akane's POV

I've been thinking about the kids background ever sine I heard their names. If I'm not mistaken the Bakugou's are famous fashion designers that design hero costums and they have a small branch that deals with support items. The Yagi's are All Might's and Green Demon's family. Why are these two famous families abusing and neglecting their kids? I need to find out if they actually know who Izuku's parents are

"Hey boys I have a question?"

"What is it Akane?" said Katsuki

"WHo are your favorite heros?" I ask

"Well both of us love eraserhead the most because he basically fights quirkless. All might is our second favorite hero. We used to buy all his merch, but now since our parents don't support us anymore we can't buy anymore merch." Izuku says sadly

"Well I advise you not to buy All merch anymore" I say

"Why is that?" Katsuki asks

I can't just tell them that Izuku's parents are both famous hero's. I turn to Hisashi and explain to him the predicament. He turns to me and nods.

"Well Izu, your dad is All Might and your mom is Green Demon. You have two pro heros as parents" I see the boys look at me in shock and Izu had tears in his eyes.

"Why does he treat me like I don't even exist? ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO?!" Izuku yells while crying

I turn to Suki and use telepathy to tell him to comfort his boyfriend. Suki nods and does what I tld him. After 5 minutes Izu finally calmed down.

"Akane please train us and don't go easy on us" Izu says with a determined look on his face

"Alright, you better not quit halfway" I say with a smirk

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