I loved that habit she had of waking up early because she enjoyed making breakfast or when she unconsciously played with her bracelets, I loved that she liked to bake and made the entire house smell like vanilla, I loved that she liked holding my hand when we slept and I loved her smile, and her hair, and her eyes and fuck, I missed her more than anything when I wasn't with her.

I had it so bad for her, so bad that it was almost pathetic.

I wanted Calliope for so long, and I still wanted her, and I knew it wasn't mere infatuation, it had always been something more.

"You're quieter than usual." Ambrose said and I looked to him, not feeling guilty for thinking of the weekend i'd shared with Calli but feeling a little awkward about it in some sort of way since he had absolutely no clue about the things she'd let me do to her, which was a good thing, he'd probably kill me if he knew I had his precious little sister beg me to get down on her knees, tears running down her pretty face when I fucked her mouth but she refused to stop till I came in her mouth, even if it pissed her off that she couldn't get all of me in her mouth.

He'd probably bury me alive if he knew I was thinking about her right now, legs wide open as she laid beneath me, moaning my name like a prayer, gasping in my mouth when I was buried deep inside of her.

I knew that to Ambrose, Calliope was his angel of a sister who was hurt far too many times by assholes who couldn't appreciate her, which was true, but thats not all she was, Calli was so much more than those assholes, and she didn't need all the protection he wanted to give her.

I cleared my throat, "What?"

"I asked you something and you ignored me prick."

I snorted, not at all remembering him even so much as speak to me. "What did you ask?"

"If you need me to come to the office tomorrow."

"Im not even coming in to the office."

"Yeah obviously, you're leaving man."

Shit, I was.

"Oh, yeah." I mumbled out, running a hand through my hair in annoyance and he scoffed from beside me, a scoff that sounded like he was genuinely shocked too. "Since when did you forget shit?"

Since all i've been able to think about is your fucking sister. I shrugged instead of voicing my thoughts and snitching on my own ass.

"Better get it in check or your father will be disappointed Blackburn." He joked and I rolled my eyes. "Like I give a flying fuck."

He chuckled and I shook my head.

My father was an awful piece of crap, maybe an understatement, or overstatement, but to me and my siblings it was relatively true, and not just because he'd used and bruised my mother but because he wasn't even any good to any of his kids.

We were verbally abused constantly, too young to know it wasn't right for our father to speak to us like we were merely objects in the house rather than one of the people who lived there.

Instead of dwelling on it, we all ignored his existence. And he did ours, well, mostly.

The only person he actually liked was Ambrose for some odd reason, but not even Ambrose relatively enjoyed his company, he just tolerated him because no one else could.

"Ambrose, Emrhys."

My jaw clenched. I really fucking hated when anyone but Calliope called me that.

We both turned back and I stiffened when I saw my father walk this way, Bolt beside him.

Speak of the devil and he fucking appears.

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