chapter 18

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Vidya- varun left to office. And i took my little one to bathroom, its his bathing time.
He is giggling. He is such a happy baby. Later i put his clothes. I know he is tired. He is yawning and his cute red lips. I kissed him . He slept.

My cute little one. Mumma loves you. I went to kitchen, and i said the today menu to maids.

Sruthi- vidya, wait ! She turned and asked, do you need anything.
Actually im sorry, i treated you badly. And i make you suffer.

Vidya - it is a nightmare, which i dont want to think sruti, i know the pain. But leave that. Now i have a loving family. If you want anything else ask me.

Later at afternoon, i feeded ayush and i started my lunch. Aarthi already completed her lunch. And i went to my room.

Sruti-  I slept too much. Now im hungry. When i went to kitchen, there are just leftovers. When i asked maid about food, she said vidya mam said this is for dogs. So for you no food. If you want anything , you prepare yourself.

Dad , i shouted..

Dad - What happened?

Sruti-  that bloody bitch said im a dog. And she said i can only eat the leftover foods, which is for dogs. Why did you brought me here, for all these. It is better if you left me on the streets.

Dad- but vidya wont do like that. She even says all the workers eat here. And she take care of  everyone. May be their is some miscommunication.

Sruti- wow, wonderful. Really you changed dad, you are not trusting your daughter. But you are trusting not so called orphan.

Dad- what are you talking sruti ?

Sruti-  dont bluff dad, i know the truth. Mom adopted her and you dont like her. And mom died within few weeks of her entry. And you blamed her and her badluck for that. So you started torturing her.

Am i looking like a fool. I know everything. This sudden affection towards vidya. You too know right, she is a badluck one day she will do harm to aarthi and her baby and abhi.

She is such a witch. Manupulative, she is acting good. She changed the varun agarwal. And you too know how unlucky she is, she lost her child.

She is a type of woman who brings badluck to everyone. So say to aarthi to stay away from vidya.

I know she wont listen, but if one or two incidents happen , then she will believe how dangerous vidya is.

And now go and ask about food. Weather she said to give remaing food to dogs.

Dad- i knocked vidya door. She came out side and asked, what happened dad.

Did you said to maids that remaining food give to dogs.

Vidya - yes dad but, a tight slap landed on my face.

Dad- how dare you to treat my daughter like that. What are you thinking of yourself. You are nothing. You are zero without me and my family name.

You have such a disgusting thoughts. I never knew you will treat people like this behind my back.

Vidya - but dad what have i done.

Dad- shutup, now i can understand your true intensions and colors. You want to insult my daughter. Who are you to do that.

You are just a slut who slept with a billionare and you cant even concieve.

Vidya - dad, dont talk like that. You know why i cant concieve. How can you say that all things to me.

Dad- shut your bloody mouth. And i spitted on her face in a disgust.

Aarthi- dad, enough of this. How can you say this to vidya. She is the one who saved you. When everyone left. Including your so called daughter. And after all these things she done to you selflessly, how can you.

Sruti-  aarthi, mind your words, you are talking to my dad. And you too will soon see this slut reality. Who sleeps with everyone.

Vidya- enough is enough, i slapped sruti. Im not any slut. And dont you dare to talk to me like that sruti. Be in your limits.

Dad- how dare you to slap my daughter. I slapped hardly again. This time she felldown. And you know you will get your punishment for this. I took my belt. Its been a long time right. You didnt recieve your punishment from me and your husband.

Now take this from me. I started hitting her. She is covering her self. I hitted her back.

Remember this whipping, next time behave yourself and you aarthi, make some distance from her. She is a witch.

Aarthi-  Im sorry vidya. And i try to lift her. And took her to her room.

Vidya - i wiped my tears. Aarthi, please dont say anything to varun. He will definetly kill them. I know him.

Aarthi- after all these things, you are thinking about them. It is not good vidya. And give me the ointment. I removed her dress carefully. Her back is completely coverd with belt lashes. So many from past. And now fresh ones.

I touched her back and tears are welmed up. Vidya, you are such a poor thing. I never thought this.

Vidya, tell me you can feel pain right, whenever you saw those belt marks on your back.

She smirked sadly.

Vidya -  it is true . I cried many nights with these nightmares. And my whole childhood is a nightmare. Im scared to talk to people. And i never get proper food to eat. And i grew up in a hate atmosphere.

And my husband, who married me thinking of his ex girlfriend. I never in my life experienced true love aarthi. Later varun changed. I love him. And he gave me everything in my life.

But these belt marks will constantly reminds me of past. But i cant say these things to varun. I cant see him upset. He loves me and he cares for me. He changed for me.

Aarthi- i hugged her tightly. Later sometime i left her. Because my daughter started crying for milk.

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