Chapter 28

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Tommy's pov

"What the fuck have you gotten yourself into this time," Wilbur said, acting as if he was speechless, but he continued.
"Did you... kill someone?" He asked, but it sounded more like a statement to me.
You think I killed someone!?" I exasperated.
"You have a fucking knife in your hands!" Wilbur argued.
"It's not mine!" I yelled.
"What's going on? Tommy, what the fuck!" Schlatt walked in.
"Aye, Schlatt don't," Wilbur warned. I looked over at him, slightly hurt.
"After months of me living with you, you think I would kill someone!" I say.
"I wouldn't put it past you!" He scoffs.
"What does that even mean!"
"You hurt yourself like it's nothing, there has always been a chance you would kill someone. Father like son, I can see," he says. My mouth drops open.

Tears prick my eyes, and I drop the knife.
"Wilbur! What's wrong with you!" Schlatt scolds.
"The only person here I would ever think about killing is myself!" I yell at him.
"Not anymore it seems!"
"Wilbur, shut up!" Schlatt said.
"He fucking killed an innocent person!"
"No I didn't," I whispered.
"Go back to bed Wilbur. Now," Schlatt demanded.
I watch Wilbur go up the stairs, and every step he took it felt like my heart was being torn into smaller and smaller pieces.
"Am I really like him?" I ask quietly.
"No Tommy, don't listen to him," Schlatt says, sympathy painting his face.
"I didn't kill anyone," I sniffled.
"I believe you Tommy. What happened?" He asked in a gentle tone.
"I was walking back to the house and the guy from the diner pulled a knife on me, and s-stabbed me," I explained, leaning on him for support.
"W-what?" He said.
I lift up my shirt, showing the wound. He gasped.
"Holy shit Tommy. We are going to the hospital now. Can you get yourself to the car?" he asks. I nod,
"Okay, go to the car, I'll be there in a second," he said, running upstairs.
I took a deep breath before making my way to the car, bearing the pain I felt.

Schlatt's pov

I ran upstairs quickly, bursting into Wilbur's and I's room.
"Wilbur, we're going to the hospital. Let's go," I say, pulling him out of the bed. By now he should be sober. Which is why I don't understand why he said that to Tommy.
"Why?" He asks.
"Tommy was stabbed Wilbur, he didn't kill anyone. He took that knife out of his stomach," I explain, rushing downstairs, with Wilbur by my side.
"W-what?" He says slowly.
"Yeah, and you blamed him for murder. What were you thinking," I muttered.
"I-I wasn't thinking. Oh gosh," he said, matching my pace outside.
We both entered the car. I got in the drivers seat, and Wilbur got in the passengers seat.

Tommy's pov

I hear the car doors open, making me open my eyes again.
Wilbur was in the car as well. Even with the immense pain I was in, I still felt more pain from what he said to me.
"Hurry up, I'm going to pass out soon," I groan, applying pressure.
"Can Will come with us?" Schlatt asks, starting the car.
"The only reason he is coming is because he's my legal guardian," I say.
Schlatt nods, pursing his lips. He starts the car, and speeds out of the driveway, down the road.
I rest my head on the window, my arm resting on my stomach, feeling the need to wrap it around my wound.
My vision was getting blurry again, and this time I let it take over me.
I felt a hand shaking me, but I couldn't respond.
"Tom-.... awake-... stay,"
All the noise started to sound fuzzy, yet I knew they were yelling.
Whatever this was, I hated the feeling of it.

When I woke up again, I was in a hospital bed. A few seconds of peace, before a wave of pain hit me. My arm goes to my stomach instinctively, and I groan in pain.
"I fucking hate hospitals," I mutter to myself. I hear a tiny laugh next to me, and I turn to see Schlatt and Wilbur in the waiting chairs. Wilbur was asleep, and it looked like Schlatt just woke up.
"How bad is it?" I asked, realizing how raspy my voice was.
"You're gonna be fine. You only needed stitches, and we can head home once we check you out of the hospital," he says with a small smile.
"That's good," I force a weak smile. Schlatt glances over at Wilbur.
"You know he feels bad for what he said," Schlatt muttered.

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