Chapter 21

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3rd person

This was the day he dreaded. The one that caused three panic attacks in one day, and two breakdowns, and one fucked up arm with more scars littered across it.
Wilbur said he had to face him. Why couldn't he just stay out of his life.
Does he really want him to suffer that badly. He isn't worth that much.
He caused the start of all of Tommy's pain. He just wanted to be loved, and maybe he wouldn't be here, sat in court, anxiously bouncing his knee in impatience. His father sat at the other side of the judge, with a terrifying grin on his face, staring right at the blonde.
"Mr, Simons, have you ever hit your child before?" The judge asked. Tommy's father shook his head,
"I would never lay a hand on him," he said confidently.
Tommy spoke barely above a whisper,
"That's a lie,"
The judge looked over at him, a bit irritated he spoke when not asked to,
"Do you have any proof?" They questioned. Tommy nodded.
He lifted his shirt to show a huge scar going across his stomach.
"He did that," Tommy said.
"But there's nothing backing up he actually did it," the judge said.
"I would never hurt Thomas like that," Tommy's father said, with fake kindness in his voice.

Nothing is going his way, he showed scar and bruises on his body, but nothing worked! The judge looked to already decided, and he was correct.
"Alright settle down, I have made my decision," the judge stated.
Tommy waited in anticipation, praying that he wouldn't be stuck with that monster, but unfortunately, nothing ever really goes his way.
"Mr. Simons is found innocent, and will regain child custody of Thomas Simons.
Tommy quite literally felt his heart sank. Tears welled up in his eyes but quickly blinked them away.
"You can't be serious!" Tommy yelled. The judge looked at him uninterested.
"He is an innocent man Thomas," they said. Tommy wasn't having it,
"That man is nothing close to innocent! He beat me day after day, just because he felt like it! I have scars littered across my body because of him! HES THE REASON WHY TRIED TO KILL MYSLEF,"

Now all attention was on the blonde, a small collect of gasps went through the courtroom. Tommy felt like shrinking in that moment but stood tall,
"You said, you tried to kill yourself?" The judge clarified.
Tommy nodded his head,
"He caused all my pain. There is so much proof showing he's guilty! If I had my phone in here I could prove it," Tommy said.
The judge stayed quiet for a moment before sighing,
"Go get this proof and if you don't have it your father will be found innocent,"
Tommy mentally cheered and said a quick thank you before grabbing his phone from Wilbur, who was in the stands, with a worried look.

Tommy gave him a reassuring smile, even though he had no idea of the proof would work.
He walked up to the judge and went into photos, swiping through his camera roll.
"This is when a beer bottle was thrown at me, and that's when he choked me, and that one is when he pulled a knife on me," Tommy listed off all the times.
He scrolled to a video and gave a quick explanation before playing it,
"This was at Tesco, my father came up to me when Will was picking up other groceries, and threatened me and almost hit me,"
He played the video for the judge and cringed at his father's harsh words.
A thud was heard and you could hear him start to hyperventilate. He paused the video and looked over at the judge with the closest you could get to pleading eyes.
"What happened after the video ended?" The judge asked.
"Wilbur had to calm me down because I was having a panic attack, and my father was knocked out because he was punched before he could lay a hand on me. Me and Wilbur had both left the store quickly afterwards," Tommy explained.
The judge nodded, she looked to be deep in thought.
Tommy couldn't of felt more anxious in that moment, nobody dared to talk. He could feel his father's eyes burning on him, but he couldn't look over his way.

The judge spoke, "alright Thomas, it's your lucky day. You managed to convince me. Mr. Simons is found guilty of child abuse and will be sentenced for 15 years of prison,"
The wooden mallet rang through the courtroom once again, and this time, his tear were of happiness.
He looked over at Wilbur who had a smile bigger than his own.
He looked over at the judge next, mouthing the words thank you to her. She nodded and smiled.
Next, he looked at his father who had a sickening grin on his face, he was confused. Why was he smiling? His father nodded at someone and before he could comprehend who he was looking at a sound rang through the court room.




Tommy looked down and saw his hands bloodied.
Pain shot through his stomach and it hit him what had happened. He was shot. Shot by a fucking gun.
His name was screamed by a familiar person before he collapsed to the ground.
He went in and out of consciousness, trying to stay awake. He couldn't die like this, Wilbur needed him. Tubbo and Techno, and Phil needed him. So many people needed him, he can't leave yet.
He opened his eyes to see Wilbur hugging him,
"Will," his voice came out as hoarse.
"Tommy, you're gonna be okay. The ambulance is on its way," Wilbur said choking on his words.
"Everything hurts," Tommy groaned.
"I know buddy, just hang on a bit longer. Stay awake for me, okay," Wilbur practically begged. Tommy nodded.
"Let's play a game. What color is my shirt Tommy?" Wilbur said.
Tommy looked at his shirt,
"Yellow," he responded. Wilbur nodded,
"Good, now what's the color of your shirt,"
Tommy looked down,
"Red," Tommy said. Wilbur shook his head, holding back the sob stuck in his throat,
"No Tommy, it's white buddy,"

"Let's try again, what's one thing you can see," Wilbur asked,
Wilbur smiled,
"Good job, what is one thing you can hear,"
"Ringing, it's so loud," Tommy said. Wilbur cringed at the answer but quickly moved on to the next question,
"How many fingers am I holding up,"
Tommy looked up,
"Four? I don't know everything is double, I can't do this Wilbur," Tommy cried out.
"Yes you can Tommy. The ambulance is here. I just need you to focus on staying awake," Wilbur said.
Tommy didn't respond, as his eyes started closing.
"Tommy don't go to sleep right now, stay awake,"
"It's just a nap," Tommy said.
"Tommy no," Wilbur sobbed. He shook Tommy, who didn't respond,

A group of people came rushing in, running up to Tommy.
One placed their finger on Tommy's pulse. Wilbur watched him, hoping he wouldn't say it. The person looked out Wilbur,
"He's breathing, follow the ambulance to the hospital,"
They put Tommy on a stretcher and put him in the boxed truck.
Wilbur rushed to his car and started it up quickly and followed the ambulance. His thoughts were going insane.

Is he gonna die?

Why did the security shoot him?

Did his father make him?





I can't lose him

I'm going to kill that bastard if he dies

I'll make sure his life is a living hell

1267 words

Ayup lads!

FUCKING FINALLY. This took me so long. I had to ask for help and everything.
I'm sorry I took this break but I got stuck, and didn't know what to write.

BTW I GOT FUCKING MARRIED. It's platonic but we made it!

Please eat and drink something for me, it would make me feel so much better. Remember to take care of yourself before others.

Luv you


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