Chapter 1

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Wilbur's POV
Me, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap, Philza, TechnoBlade, Jschlatt, Quackity, Karl, and supposedly Tommy are going to play Among Us and Tommy is the only one not here. That stupid child is always late! Im going to say something once he gets here.. me and a few others decided to prank Tommy once he gets here. This should be funny. A minute later he joins the call.

Tommy POV
Finally after saying hello to my stream and talking for a bit, I join the VC and apologize in a calm voice normally than I do which I guess threw off a couple people because they were quiet. After a second I hear Wilbur yell, "Tommy why are you always late! All you care about is yourself and no one else. Your so selfish!" I flinch at him yelling and my chat notices. I don't think anyone has my stream open from the VC. I was about to apologize when I hear Philza say, "No wonder I'm the one taking care of you, your own parents probably don't even want you!" I was on the verge of tears by him bringing up the topic of my parents. Especially my father. "Your such a useless child, Tommy," Dream says. That was my breaking point.
The VC grows quiet. "I know I'm selfish and I already know my father hates me, and after countless times of hearing it. I know i'm useless and I'm just a child. I know I am worthless. I have already been told too many times to not believe it!" I shout. After that I end my stream without saying anything and leave the VC.

Your worthless your own friends don't even like you anymore. You should just kill yourself.

I knew that voice in my head was right, but I can't die yet. So I'll get to as close as death as I can. I walk into the bathroom and pull out my razor.
1 cut
your worthless
2 cuts
your selfish
3 cuts
your ugly
4 cuts
your fat
5 cuts
your stupid
6 cuts
your friends hate you
7 cuts
your fans don't like you
8 cuts
you deserve what your father does
9 cuts
you deserve your mother leaving
10 cuts
you deserve everything that has happened to you

After cleaning my arms and putting on bandages I head to my room to see notifications from my friends or ex friends I don't know really. I just need to clear my mind. right as I was about to go to bed, I hear the front door slam open. Oh shit. My father is home from the pub.

I froze. But I knew if I didn't go down there the punishment would be worse. As I walk down the stairs I see my father with a beer bottle in his hand. I knew he was drunk. I could smell his breath from where I stand at the bottom of the stairs.
"Why the fuck did I get a call from your school saying your grades are dropping," he hissed.
"I'm sorry sir, I've been really stres-"
I put my hand up to my face where I got slapped. I could feel it burning already.
"I didn't ask for an excuse dumbass"

Just as I was about to answer I was hit with a beer bottle. Right after being pushed to the floor. My head was spinning and I couldn't make out anything my father was saying. I was gaining consciousness again only to have a foot hit the middle of my stomach. It took the air out of me. I couldn't breathe.
"Please.." I begged
I could see he didn't care one bit.
"Get up Thomas"
I started getting up, but fell down.
I stood up to face what you could call my father. He had an evil grin on his face. It sickened me. In a swift motion, I saw his fist come towards me. He hit me square in the face.
Then the last thing I heard before I blacked out was,

Tubbo's POV
I didn't agree with what Wilbur and the others were planning to say to Tommy, but I couldn't do anything about it. They didn't know about Tommy's past. Im glad I found Tommy when I did. He really needed someone to help him up, and I was the one to do it. A minute after Tommy joins the call and apologizes in a calm and tired voice. Right then I knew something was wrong. Before I could say anything I hear Wilbur say, "Tommy why are you always late! All you care about is yourself and no one else. Your so selfish!"
I had Tommy's stream pulled up and I saw him flinch at Wilbur screaming. I was confused at what I just saw. Philza continues by saying, "No wonder I'm the one taking care of you, your own parents probably don't even want you!" Okay, that was too far. Philza should have known that. I see Tommy's eyes go glassy. Omg what is wrong with these guys. "Your such a useless child, Tommy," I was about to protest and stand up for Tommy but I hear Tommy first.
I stay quiet. I have never heard Tommy yell like that. He sounds angry yet in pain at the same time.
"I know I'm selfish and I already know my father hates me, and after countless times of hearing it. I know i'm useless and I'm just a child. I know I am worthless. I have already been told too many times to not believe it!"

Before I have the time to say anything to Tommy. He ends his stream and leaves the VC. What does he mean by being told to many times?
"End stream now. All of you. I don't give a fuck if you don't want to," I say with venom in my voice.
I hear a bunch of "yes"s and "okay"s.
After a minute of silence I say," what the fuck you guys." I continue, "Especially you Wilbur. Tommy thinks of you as a brother and then you decide to call him selfish for being late to a call? Instead of being a bitch you all should have asked if he was okay. And Philza, he looks at you like a second father. Then you decide to say you don't want to act like his father figure. Dream I don't even know what to say to you. We all know he hates being called a child. Let alone USELESS"
Wilbur speaks up first. "Tubbo, I'm sorry man I thought he would know it was a joke and laugh with us."
"Well now he thinks we all hate him." I say.
"You all are going to give him his space unless he calls you. And if he does call you make sure to tell me if it's important, alright,"
I hear a bunch if hums in return. I say my goodbyes and leave the VC.

God I hope he is okay...

1189 words
Hey luvs, I hope your doing okay. If not try to get some sleep. I know it's an escape from reality. I do the same.
Drink some water please ❤️

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