Chapter 4

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Wilbur's POV

What am I supposed to do...
I sit there for second thinking of what to say to him. He looks so broken. Why couldn't I have noticed this sooner.
"I'm so sorry Toms. I should've noticed you hurting, but I didn't. And now it's gonna be harder to help you," I say tearing up.

He smiles at me again, "It's okay Will, I didn't want anyone to really notice anyway. I made sure nobody could find out." How does he keep smiling? He literally just threw up his food.
"Okay you need to brush your teeth. There's an extra toothbrush in the drawer. I know you gonna hate to hear this, but you're not allowed to throw up your food anymore. I don't care how much you eat, just at least one meal a day." I finish.
He frowns at what I say, but he nods his head slowly.
"I'll be in my room. Tell me if you need anything, alright?"
He nods his head in response and I leave the bathroom.
I know exactly what I have to do..

Tommy's POV

That did not go how I wanted it to go. How was I supposed to know a man who lives alone has a key to his bathroom. I'm going to have to find a way around eating, because there's no way I'm gaining any weight. I walk into the guest bedroom and flop onto the bed. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

Why did you let him find out

Why did you call him

Why couldn't you just keep QUIET

Now we're stuck in this situation

You're so stupid...

I let the voice say whatever it wanted to. I knew they were right. I'm a burden to Wilbur. If I would've kept quiet I could have been laughing with him in a VC right now. Instead, he's worrying over me. He doesn't even know about my multiple suicide attempts. Each time failing. How can you even fail at killing yourself?

Wilbur's POV

I knew what to do. It might be a bit if a dumb idea, but it's for Tommy. He needs his family right now. Or his friends, but I'm guessing he sees them as family. I'm inviting the sleepy bois plus Tubbo to Brighton to stay for a month. I know this would at least bring a smile to his face. Plus, he has a very good relationship with Techno than what he shows on stream.

I get in a call with the sleepy bois and Tubbo to break the news.
"So I'm going to just say it. Tommy really needs his friends right now, and I wanted to fly you guys out to see us. I'll pay for it, and Tubbo you have to ask your parents,"
I hear a squeal come from Tubbo and he runs to go ask his parents.
"Techno, I know you and Tommy are really close so I was wondering if you could try and talk to him when you get here. There's a lot you don't know. If he's comfortable with it he might tell us all," I explain
I hear a grunt if a response from Techno. I smile to myself.
After a couple of minutes of waiting I hear Tubbo come back,
I laugh in response.
"Okay, I'll see you guys in two days,"
We say our goodbyes and I leave the call.

I sit in my chair just thinking about Tommy. I'm really worried about him. I want to see him smile again. Or laugh at a stupid joke I make.
I was interrupted from my thoughts by a blood curdling scream. I jump up and run to Tommy's room.

I see him hyperventilating and pulling his hair. I run into his view and show my hands to make sure he knows I mean no harm. He seemed skeptical of me. I walk slowly and sit by him.
"It's okay Toms, your safe. Your here with me, Wilbur." I say as I slowly reach for his hands to pull them away from his hair.

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