chapter twelve

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Today was it.

Alec was going to ask Magnus to marry him tonight.

It was five pm and he was meeting Magnus at seven. He had managed to play off how nervous he really was when he asked Magnus on a date for that evening, he was stressed and nervous inside.

The reservation was made at Breadstix and all they had to do was set up the park. Isabelle was retrieving all of the fairy lights from her apartment. Alec had brought the engagement ring with him to show Jace.

Maryse was also there and beaming with happiness at the thought of Alec getting engaged. She smiled happily as he pulled out of her embrace, he'd never been one for familial affection.

Once Isabelle returned, they found a small alcove in the trees and strung up the fairy lights. It genuinely looked like something out of a romcom, Alec was proud of how it looked, he only hoped Magnus would love it just as much (and say yes). They also scattered rose petals across the floor and small LED lights that looked like candles.

"Alec, are you ready for this? You're asking him to marry you!" Isabelle said happily as she looked at their handiwork in the park.

"I'm ready. I know kinda what I'm gonna say. He'll be a little nervous but, hopefully he'll say yes." Alec explained, looking at the ring one last time and putting the box in his back pocket.

"Alright. We'll it's six thirty and it takes twenty-five minutes to get back to Breadstix so you'd better get walking big bro. Don't worry, we'll be gone by the time you get here with Magnus. Good luck Alec." Isabelle said kindly as she kissed Alec's cheek and then pushed him in the direction of the path leading to Breadstix.

It was a peaceful night so nothing much happened on the walk back to the restaurant. It was quiet and it left time for Alec to consider what he was going to say and how he was going to reassure Magnus, encouraging him but not forcing him.

When he reached the restaurant, Magnus was just pulling up. Talk about impeccable timing. Alec went over to the younger man's car and pecked his lips as a hello.

Alec took his hand and led him into the restaurant. It was quite nostalgic considering that they hadn't been here since their first ever date. Back when Magnus was still healing from his rapists abuse. It was a celebratory dinner which also led to them catching feelings for eachother.

They ate their food and just talked about their day. Alec could feel the ring box heavy in his pocket and he had to play it cool, not give it away before the time comes.

After skipping dessert because they just wanted a lighter dinner, Alec paid the bill and took Magnus outside. The younger man thought that this was the end of the night and was starting to walk back towards his car, but it was far from over. Trying to hide the giddy smile on his face, Alec led him down the path to the park. The moment was inching ever closer.

Magnus saw the fairy lights in the alcove from about a kilometer away and he gravitated towards them. He was entranced by the bright white light emanating from the cove standing out against the black of the night. Alec took a breath to steady himself, here goes.

"Mags, I love you so much. You have grown to be my entire world. If something were to ever happen to you, I don't think I could ever forgive myself. I'm so proud of how far you've come since that day in Central Park and what happened with Lorenzo. I can't imagine my life without you in it and I also can't believe that I ended up with someone as incredible, brave and strong as you. You've been through so much but you still remain kind-hearted, loving and caring. I wish that I was half as strong as you on your weakest day. Now, what I'm about to do might scare you, but you can say no if you aren't ready. I'll understand if you do, okay?" Alec explained, gently taking Magnus' hands whilst he was talking.

He gauged Magnus' reaction quickly before slowly getting down on one knee. He smiled lovingly at Magnus and the younger one seemed happily surprised by Alec's proposal. He started smiling widely once Alec reached for his pocket that potentially contained the rest of their lives together.

"Magnus Bane. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?" Alec asked him, taking out the ring box and effortlessly opening it up to reveal the ring.

"Alexander... yes!" Magnus replied excitedly with no detectable hesitation after the longest few seconds that Alec has ever experienced. It was scary waiting there on one knee.

Relieved, Alec stood up from the ground and gently slipped the ring onto Magnus' finger. It was the perfect size and it glinted like crazy under the fairy lights. Magnus himself was admiring the ring too, it was the perfect choice. Magnus had an affinity for jewels so this ring was just right, not too feminine and not too masculine, just somewhere perfectly situated in the middle.

Alec on the other hand, just couldn't believe that he was actually engaged now. Magnus wasn't his boyfriend anymore, he was his fiancé.

He was doing his absolute to hold back a shit-eating grin that would perfectly resemble the Cheshire cat from 'Alice In Wonderland'. He was over-the-moon happy that Magnus had said yes and now he thought that all of the worry and stress he had been feeling beforehand was totally ridiculous.

Magnus took Alec complete by surprise by pulling him in for a passionate kiss, one that spoke of how they loved eachother so very much.

They were definitely soulmates destined to be with eachother forever, and whatever came after.


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