chapter eight

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New Years eve rolled around fairly quickly after Christmas. Magnus didn't have any plans before, so he was currently standing with Alec on the balcony of the older man's apartment as the countdown to midnight approached.

"So, it's nearly been two months together, how are you feeling? Do you feel safe with me?" Alec asked softly, gazing up at the starry almost-midnight sky.

"Alexander, you know I do. I know that I can trust you with everything; past, present and future." Magnus explained, smiling softly to himself that he had managed to find someone like Alec. He just couldn't believe that he had found his guardian angel.

"Magnus... just- listen to me, okay? If you ever have a bad day and the thoughts of Lorenzo get too much, I'm here for you. If you just need me to hold you whilst you cry, or take you out for ice cream, or even play you Taylor Swift songs," that one got a laugh, Alec didn't like Taylor Swift very much, "I'll be there for you. I promise." Alec said softly, moving closer to Magnus.

The clock showed that it was eleven fifty-five, only five minutes to go until the new year began. A new year with Alec.

Although, Magnus was shocked, how could Alec possibly have known about his panic attacks and break downs? And better yet, be completely okay with it?

He thought he'd been hiding it well, but evidently not, Alec had noticed everything.

The thing that broke Magnus out of his trance was the countdown that echoed through Brooklyn and Alec pulled Magnus a little bit closer against the cold December air. The two men were happy together on the balcony as midnight approached quickly.

Just before the countdown reached one, Alec pulled Magnus into a kiss and slipped one arm around his waist. They started their new year together with a kiss. A silent promise of all the good things yet to come.

As the fireworks lit up the sky all around them, Magnus and Alec were in their own little world, sharing a passionate New Year's kiss. Alec cautiously parted Magnus' lips with his tongue, trying to take their kiss to the next level. Magnus allowed Alec to kiss him with tongue and he actually enjoyed the feeling of being so close to Alec. Just in the here and now.

No thoughts of the past, no worrying about the future.

Slowly, after they were completely breathless, they pulled away from eachother, resting their foreheads together in an intimate moment that they shared. The hundreds of other people in Alec's apartment complex didn't exist, it was just them, alone in this moment.

"I'm glad you're here with me, Magnus." Alec said softly with a wide smile on his face as the younger man gazed into his eyes.

"I'm glad that I have you too, Alexander." Magnus responded, wrapping his arms around Alec's neck, bringing him down.

Magnus had started calling Alec by his full name in an affectionate way as he became more comfortable with the older man. Alec treated him like a prince so he'd decided that he could start testing the waters with Alec.

Magnus was 5'11 and Alec was 6'3 so the younger man often had to pull Alec down to his height. Alec didn't mind, he usually bent down so Magnus could reach better anyway.

The two continued to spend time together as the amount of fireworks going off slowly died down. Alec even brought Magnus some wine and they shared a lot more happy kisses as the night progressed.


"Magnus, where are you going? It's one-thirty in the morning." Alec questioned, gently grabbing Magnus' wrist as the younger one made an effort to leave Alec's apartment.

"W-well, we're not having s-sex so I should l-leave. R-right?" Magnus explained, his hands shaking from fear. Alec could definitely see the deepest parts of Magnus' trauma now.

"Magnus... you aren't an object... you're a person that I care deeply about. Sleeping in the same bed doesn't have to be sex-based. It can just be cuddling." Alec explained softly, bringing Magnus in front of him again, trying to help Magnus see that sleeping in a bed together can be enjoyable and doesn't have to be an exchange.

"Come on. I'll show you. If you aren't comfortable at any point, I have a spare bedroom." Alec explained, offering his hand out to Magnus. Holding hands was becoming a frequent thing between the two of them so Alec hoped that it would provide Magnus with some reassurance in that moment.

Magnus took Alec's hand and followed where Alec was leading him. Alec led him to the master bedroom and explained that he would get Magnus something more comfortable to sleep in. It was only a few minutes that he was gone and when he returned, he had an old t-shirt and some shorts. Perfect attire for sleeping.

After taking the clothes, Magnus went into the en-suite bathroom to change his clothes. Alec's t-shirt still smelled like his cologne and it was actually quite relaxing to be surrounded by the increasingly familiar scent.

It even helped him calm down a little.

When Magnus came back, Alec was getting into the bed. The thought of sharing a bed with someone else made Magnus' heart race with fear. He knew that Alec wouldn't push him though, it was his pace.

"If you want to join me, you're more than welcome." Alec explained softly in a completely non-forceful way, offering his arm incase Magnus wanted to sleep in the same bed.

Magnus hesitantly laid down beside Alec as the older one covered them both with the bedspread, he was pleasantly surprised by Alec's tenderness and how warm it was to lay here with his older boyfriend. Magnus' head rested onto Alec's shoulder and he carefully draped his arm across Alec's muscular stomach.

Alec lightly pecked Magnus' lips as a silent reassurance that this was okay and that he was allowed to do that. That made Magnus relax so much more and he snuggled further into Alec's side and revelled in the warmth and comfort.

This was definitely a much better life.

They were getting closer every single day and what they have right now might not be considered love, but it would undeniably grow to be if they let it.

It was real and they have an unbreakable bond.


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