chapter seven

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"Mom! I'm here!" Alec called out into the Lightwood family home on Christmas morning once he arrived to celebrate with them.

"Alec!" Isabelle called out first. For Magnus, it was kind of weird to see her act so unprofessionally but, they're siblings so he watched happily.

"Isabelle, don't strangle your brother." An authoritative yet kind and teasing voice said from behind and a middle aged woman, presumably their mother, hugged Alec briefly.

"This must be Magnus." She said to Alec, gesturing to where he was stood slightly behind them.

"Ah, yes. Magnus, this is my mom, Maryse, mom, this is Magnus Bane." Alec introduced them to eachother. Magnus went for a handshake but Maryse told him that because he's part of the family, handshakes aren't allowed. Hugs all around at Christmas.

"Please come in, come in." Maryse said kindly, beckoning them into the house.

Alec gently took Magnus' hand as he could tell that the younger man was slightly overwhelmed with everything and reassured him with gentle touches as they walked through the house.

"So basically, that's Jace and that's Clary." Alec explained once they reached the kitchen and saw a blonde and a redhead in the kitchen, pouring out champagne.

"Would you like some champagne, Magnus?" Clary asked him kindly, hovering over an empty glass until she received an answer.

"Yes please." Magnus responded and Clary poured the remainder of the bottle into the glass.

Alec had taken a glass from Jace and Clary handed Magnus his. The two men tapped their glasses together before taking a sip of the bubbles.

"You wanna go sit down in the lounge and see what shit is on TV?" Alec asked him, squeezing his hand lightly. Magnus nodded so they headed to the living room where Maryse and Isabelle were watching Elf with Max.

Alec claimed the other free sofa and gestured for Magnus to sit down with him. Magnus smiled softly and sat next to Alec as the older man gently wrapped an arm around his waist. One glance at the casual intimacy of their position and Maryse immediately knew that they were soulmates.

Meant for eachother.


By the time the end credits were sliding across the screen, both Alec and Magnus had finished their champagne. It was currently twelve pm so it was time to get some food. Christmas dinner was usually at dinner time later in the evening, lunch was usually something lighter and plenty of snacks were provided throughout the afternoon.

Magnus was impressed by the food and throughout the afternoon there was more snacks and a wide range of Christmas movies; including the rest of the Home Alone movies, Die Hard, Love Actually and The Polar Express. Magnus and Alec continued to cuddle on the sofa all afternoon, stealing small, soft kisses when everyone else left the room to get a drink or go to the bathroom, until Maryse had finished cooking Christmas dinner for everyone.

They all ate together and had a good time spending valuable time with eachother. Clary was talking to Magnus, getting to know him a little better, because they weren't direct relatives of the family but they were honorary Lightwoods because they were dating two of Maryse's children.

By eight pm, everyone had finished eating and they were slowly making their way back to the lounge to open the presents before they all had to leave for the night.

"Uhh, Alexander, look up." Magnus said quietly, stopping the older man in his tracks as he pointed up above their heads.

Alec looked up and saw mistletoe hanging perfectly above the doorway. The culprit was easily identified by the sniggering coming from the other side of the sitting room.

"Ha, good job Isabelle. You know the traditions." Alec said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes in annoyance at her.

Typical middle sibling behaviour.

Immediately changing attitude, Alec gently slipped his arms around Magnus' waist and pulled him closer after a silent exchange with their eyes, Alec seeking permission as always. Their lips connected in a soft and loving Christmas kiss. Jace wolf-whistled at the couple but they ignored his antics and continued to kiss one another softly.

After around ten seconds, they pulled away. That was enough for both of them because they weren't the type to make out passionately in front of people they knew, or anyone for that matter.

It was special, just for them to experience.

Magnus smiled softly, sickeningly smitten with Alec, who was checking whether Isabelle was satisfied. After receiving confirmation, they sat down on the sofa again.

The four siblings all exchanged presents between themselves but there was still two shiny wrapped boxes underneath the tree. Alec took one and Jace took the other.

"Mags, I wanted to get you a little something for Christmas this year." Alec explained, carefully handing the box to Magnus, watching as his face lit up with happiness.

Magnus delicately unwrapped the present, his perfectly manicured nails picking at the tape and he pulled the colourful wrapping paper away to reveal a black rectangular box.

"I know your old one is dying, and I know it's a little on the expensive side but I wanted you to have a gift this Christmas." Alec explained, his knee gently nudging against Magnus'.

Opening the lid of the box revealed a brand new iPhone that Magnus had been eyeing up since it was released a short while ago.

"Alec! Even I don't have that phone yet! And I'm always up to date with phones." Isabelle exclaimed once she saw what Magnus' Christmas gift was. She had been wanting it too.

"Thank you, Alexander." Magnus said happily and lightly kissed Alec's cheek as a thank you for the gift.

Jace gave Clary some new art supplies as hers were looking a little tired. Jace always knew exactly what she wanted and was running out of so he knew what she would like as a gift.

By eleven pm, everyone had left the family home for the day and Alec had dropped Magnus back at his home, giving him a kiss goodbye and a loving smile as he exited Alec's car.


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