chapter six

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It was the annual Lightwood Christmas gathering in only two days and Maryse Lightwood, Alec's mom, had invited all of her children to come around a celebrate. Plus ones were always allowed too. Alec knew that Jace would bring Clary, his girlfriend, and Isabelle probably wouldn't bring anyone as she was busy with her career.

Alec was just debating whether to invite Magnus or not. Alec definitely thought that Magnus would enjoy spending Christmas with Alec's family. It could get quite chaotic sometimes, what with having three siblings, but, having a loving family was always a good thing. You have people to share life with in times of dismay and times of joy.

Alec didn't really know that much about Magnus' family, he'd never even heard about his boyfriends family other than quick mentions in passing.



If I bring someone to the
Christmas gathering thing,
you lot promise to be nice to
him, right?

If it isn't Magnus, I don't allow it.

Isabelle, don't assume who
Alec is dating, it can be
extremely harmful.

But on another note though,
Alexander Gideon Lightwood
with a boyfriend that he's
really serious about?
At least, serious enough to
invite to celebrate the holidays
with us? When was the last time something like that actually
happened? Twelfth grade maybe?

Ha ha, Jace you're not funny.
I hate to say it but that was
THE most unfunny thing you
have said in your life.
And that's saying a lot.

Alec, of course we would be nice
to your boyfriend.
It will be nice to meet another one of my children's significant others and that way Clary feels less alone.
She would have another person to talk to who isn't a Lightwood by blood.

Will he play superheroes with
me once I get my new superhero
action figures?

Max, I'm sure if you ask him
really nicely he might.
I've never really seen him interact
with kids but, I'm sure he'd love to
play superheroes with you.

And yes, Isabelle.
I will be bringing Magnus, my boyfriend.

Let's see a picture then.
I wanna know who was hot
enough to catch your eye Alec.
Usually with you, they have to be
like a 9/10 to even hope of having
a chance at being your boyfriend.

You can see a picture of Magnus and I.

You can see a picture of Magnus and I

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Are you happy now, Jace?

Very, thank you.
And I must say, I have never seen Alexander Gideon Lightwood so
happy before.
He must really be special.

Shut up, Jace.


So clearly they were okay with Alec inviting Magnus to celebrate Christmas with them, he just needed to ask if he wanted to come.

"Mags, do you have anyone to celebrate Christmas with this year?" Alec asked him as the younger man snuggled into his side, head resting against his shoulder.

"Usually I would spend Christmas with Catarina, but she's away on a business trip. So, no, not this year." Magnus responded, flinching almost unnoticeably when Alec's hand gently rested on his ribs.

Alec still noticed it of course because he felt the flinch under his hand, but he didn't say anything about it, choosing to focus on Magnus' progress since they met. Magnus was definitely a lot better than when Alec had first met him.

"Well, my family would love to have you join us. Jace's girlfriend Clary usually celebrates with us too. Is that something you'd be interested in?" Alec asked him softly, lightly kissing the top of his head.

Magnus' head rested against his shoulder as Alec lightly adjusted his grip around Magnus' waist. Magnus often found himself craving Alec's kisses or hugs when he had a bad day or thought too much about the horrifying events of his past. Magnus could tell that Alec truly cared about him by how he was always so gentle, tender and caring.

"Are you sure they wouldn't mind? I wouldn't want to intrude." Magnus responded hesitantly. He had become much more comfortable around Alec since they became boyfriends but, he still slipped into his old mindset sometimes, which was understandable given what he had gone through.

"Magnus, you've met my sister. Take her hospitality, turn it up to eleven and that's my mom. She won't mind, I promise you. I will suffer through all of Jace and Isabelle's teasing just for you." Alec explained, trying to make Magnus smile and succeeding before stealing a small, soft kiss from his boyfriends lips.

Magnus giggled happily before stealing another kiss from Alec. He didn't truly know where this sudden burst of confidence came from but he wasn't complaining about it, and evidently neither was Alec. The older man held him close as they kissed again.

Magnus truly was smitten with Alec, and it had come from the most unexpected circumstances. But he wouldn't change anything about it for the world.

Slowly, they pulled away from eachother and gazed into the other's eyes. Magnus noticed Alec's perfectly hazel eyes. All he found there was happiness and adoration. Alec gently took Magnus' hand and placed it onto his cheek, letting the younger man adjust to the change.

Magnus gently stroked Alec's cheek and smiled at how Alec was just a nice guy and that he'd finally found a boyfriend who wasn't a manipulative piece of shit who wanted him for bragging rights or sex. Or to prove something to someone. Alec loved him the way he was, and that was the best thing about him.

"Alright. Christmas with the Lightwoods, I suppose." Magnus said quietly as he refocused his attention onto what they were watching on television, some true crime documentary, talking about a house in Iowa where eight people were brutally murdered with an axe, leaving no witnesses.

Alec didn't move away when Magnus leaned further into him. He just lightly rested his head onto Magnus' and held him around the waist. Magnus had never felt so at ease and safe in someone's arms before, it was definitely a strange feeling, but he wouldn't give it up for anything.

It was a perfect, silently intimate moment that Magnus wanted to stay in forever.

This was the one thing that Magnus had missed with Lorenzo; intimacy.


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