chapter eleven

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I need your advice on something. Something that's a huge step.
If I'm honest, I'm nervous about it...

What'd you do now Alec?
Did you get someone pregnant?

Jace, shut the hell up.
I'm literally the single most gay man you're ever going to meet.
I have zero desire whatsoever to be doing... that... with a woman.

Then tell us brother dearest, what would you like our input with?

Does this have something to do with Magnus or not?
Is it dating related?

Yeah, but not dating...
Well, not really.
I want to ask Magnus to marry me.


I support it Alec.
But, are you sure that Magnus is ready to take that step yet?

He's thought about marriage.
I know that for a fact.
We were watching The Notebook the other day and during the proposal scene, he joked that I should take some notes.

You and Magnus make a wonderful couple, Alec.
I am 100% in support of your decision and I will help wherever I can and pay for the whole thing if he says yes.

So... if you're proposing, that must mean you have already bought a ring to give to him when you ask.


That's the ring I have, it's the website picture so

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That's the ring I have, it's the website picture so...

Alec, he would have to be an absolute fool to say no to you.
He loves you so much and that ring is totally beautiful.

Thank you, all of you.
It will have been a year and a half next month so I think I'll make it a special night.
Take him to Breadstix (to reminisce in the memories of our first date) and then the park nearby.
I'll need you guys to help set it all up but I'll tell you guys everything later, Magnus is about to get home from work.


"Hey babe! How was work?" Alec asked Magnus, putting his phone away in his pocket, as the other man came into their sitting room and collapsed on the sofa.

"Exhausting. There kids who would not settle down no matter what we tried. They kept throwing things and having tantrums about the littlest things. It was exhausting." Magnus explained as Alec sat on the arm of the sofa.

"Yeesh. Sounds like you had a good day though, you're getting paid for it." Alec explained, reminding him of the probably four figure paycheck coming at the end of the month.

Alec's was inevitably more digits and a higher number because he's one of the top trial attorneys in the whole of New York but, Magnus was earning his own money in a job he had gotten hired for all by himself. Alec was so proud of him.

"Yeah... some of my colleagues were asking about my personal life today. I mean, I don't mind sharing because I'm friends with some of them... but I forgot how priceless people's faces are when I tell them that I'm with someone of the same gender." Magnus explained, smiling at how shocked his colleagues had been when he told them about his boyfriend.

"What about you, Magnus? A guy like you must have a girlfriend. You could invite her to the summer fête next week." Julianne said excitedly, thinking about what Magnus' possible girlfriend would be like.

"Uhhh... I'll definitely invite him but I don't know if he'll be busy or not." Magnus responded, enunciating the male pronouns in his sentence.

"Oh my goodness, Magnus, I just assumed you were straight. Please forgive me." Julianne said once she realised that Magnus was in a relationship with another man.

"It's alright. I've never really hidden it much. People just don't realise and they assume that a man has to be dating a woman." Magnus responded, smiling in a friendly way towards Julianne.

"Please, invite him to the summer fête. We'd love to meet him. What's his name?" Julianne questioned, wanting to make sure she got everything else right.

"Alexander. But he prefers that people call him Alec or Alex."

"I had my fun doing that. It was more fun to see my friends reactions when they realised I was kissing boys in highschool." Alec responded in agreement of Magnus' statement, remembering the amusement he had gotten from his friends faces when they realised that he's gay.

"It's still fun to throw people off though." Magnus stated. He liked to see how long it took for people to realise that he wasn't entirely straight.

Alec smirked in agreement and quickly pecked his lips before laying down beside him and grabbing the TV remote. It was already on Fox and Family Guy was playing out from the broadcasting stations. They got comfortable situated on the couch and then got into the show.

Magnus felt completely at ease for the first time in his life. He had never been so comfortable or in sync with another person, including his family.


When Magnus' paycheck eventually came in at the end of the month, Alec was curious to know how much a classroom assistant as naturally-good with kids as Magnus was earning per month. Obviously, he earned more than before because he'd only had a job as a sales assistant in Costco, this job was definitely a step up and he loved it so much more. Magnus' happiness was worth everything and Alec would literally kill to see Magnus' smile all the time.

"So... how much did you get?" Alec asked him curiously, wanting to know how much Magnus had earned.

"$2,731.50." Magnus responded, shocked at the amount on his monthly paycheck. This was the highest so far, evidently his hardwork was paying off and they were recognising his talents, finally. He deserved every cent of that paycheck though, Alec had visited the school several times for events and special occasions such as parties or summer fêtes.

"Well, you do work for one of the most prestigious schools in the city so... and you deserve it. You're great with the kids." Alec reminded him. Magnus forgot for a split second that he worked for one of the most exclusive and prestigious schools in New York City. It was a private school with some of the most qualified teachers and staff. It was one of the nicest and best rated schools in the North of America.

"I know. I remember that now, Alexander." Magnus responded sarcastically, his usually sassy personality returning and coming back after his moment of surprise.

Alec just chuckled lightly in amusement as he kissed Magnus' cheek tenderly (noticing right then that Magnus didn't even flinch, he was comfortable with Alec now, and that made the older one smile like the Cheshire cat) and continued to make dinner for them.


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